Chapter 42

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I left Harry asleep in my bed this morning. After twenty minutes of snuggling up to his warm body I finally forced myself to get up. He doesn't have work today, but unfortunately I do. I left him a note telling him I will see him later and to not forget to lock the door when he leaves my apartment. I was going to just send him a text when I got to work but notes have sort of become our thing.

My mind continues to replay last night as I search through my bag for my birth control pills. A tingling sensation takes over my body at the memories and I am sure I look like an idiot walking down the street with a giant smile plastered on my face. But I just don't care anymore.

When I get to the shop I am pleasantly surprised to find Niall behind the counter. But nothing can change my hate for Monday mornings, not even his always bright attitude. Especially when I had to leave a shirtless Harry asleep in my bed.

Ever since the bands big show two weeks ago Harry has been quite busy with the guys and last night was the first time we have spent a decent amount of time together.

"Hey!" Niall offers me a sweet smile as I drop my coat and bag behind the front counter.

"Hey! How are you?!" I ask him. I haven't realized how much I missed his happy and easy going self until now.

Niall's smile and happy attitude stay in place as we share pleasantries with one another and begin to unload the new inventory from the back. He fills me in on his holidays with his brothers and his new classes.

"So..." Niall says from where he is unloading some inventory on the other side of the store.

He keeps his focus on the clothes he is folding as he speaks. And by the way he is avoiding my eyes and has folded the same shirt three times I have a feeling I know what he is about to say.

"Piper told me you're dating Harry now..." Niall says awkwardly still not looking in my direction. I knew it.

"I was going to tell you myself," I say quietly feeling slightly guilty that he had to hear it from Piper. We never went out on an official date or anything but we were becoming close friends before, and I wish he would have heard it from me instead. "But I haven't seen you since..." I trail off not sure what to say next.

"It's okay," Niall says finally looking at me. "Honestly. As long as he treats you good." He says with a small smile.

"He does," I assure him smiling to myself at the thought of Harry and all the sweet things he has done for me over the time I have known him. We have our struggles like everyone else but he is good to me.

"Can we still be friends?" Niall asks timidly.  I look up to see him leaning against the shelf nervously fiddling with his fingers. "Or is your boyfriend going to punch me in the face if I talk to you?" He says with a nervous chuckle.

"Of course we can be friends. Harry will get over himself eventually. I promise he won't mess with you," I assure him because he looks like he doesn't believe me.

"Good because to be honest I have really missed hanging out with you." He says continuing to fold the clothes in front of him a little more at ease now.

"I missed hanging out with you too. Everything has just been so hectic with the holidays and what not. We need to make plans to do something fun," I tell him.

I smile as I watch Niall's happy mood return and we talk about things to do and inviting Piper to join us.

I get a text from Harry near the end of my shift telling me to meet him at Piper's after work, that he has big news. My mind starts to go into over drive thinking of all the different things he could possibly say. He didn't say bad news so I am sticking with the idea that it's good news.

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