Chapter 41

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Harry wastes no time running off the stage as soon as the show is over. Moments later Chloe spots Liam and Harry headed towards us from backstage. A giant smile covers Harry's face when my eyes lock on his making my body heat up and my stomach flutter with butterflies. It feels like that first time I saw him across O'Connells pub all over again. I study his green eyes that are focused on me and the way he carries himself with such confidence. Before I know it his arms are wrapping around me lifting me off the floor and spinning me in a circle.

"You were amazing!" I gush, burying my face in his neck and breathing in his delicious scent.

"That was such a rush!" He grins, finally placing me back on my feet. His hands come to rest on my cheeks before they slide into my hair. Our noses nearly touching as he stares down at me.

I stare up into his bright eyes not being able to control my own grin as my hands wrap around his wrists. He holds my gaze for a while longer the moment making my heart race in my chest before his lips meet mine.

His kisses always take my breath away. From the slow and passionate ones to the quick pecks he gives me before leaving in the mornings.

When he pulls away his teeth graze my bottom lip gently, causing my breath to hitch in my throat. My hands grip his slightly sweaty shirt as he rests his forehead against mine.

"I have to go find my mum," he says quietly. My eyes remain closed as our foreheads are pressed together while I try to catch the breath that he stole from me.

"Do you want to come with me?" He whispers causing my eyes to finally open and look into his.

I didn't know if I wanted to meet her yet or not. It's terrifying and a big step that I have never taken before. What if she doesn't like me? But with the way his expectant eyes are watching me there is no way I can say no.

I nod in agreement and a smile overtakes Harrys beautiful face. We say goodbye to our friends before we push our way through the crowded building in search of his mother.

I stop a small distance away as I watch Harry gain the attention of a tall beautiful dark haired woman. Her smile is as bright as her eyes when she pulls Harry in for a hug. I am too far away to hear the words shared between the two as they talk. Harry's shoulders look tense and his stance rigid, he looks uncomfortable despite the small smile on his face.

A moment later Harry turns around his eyes scanning the crowd with a worried look until they land on me and a smile overtakes his tense features. I wonder if he thought I left, the idea of bolting did sound appealing.

When he motions for me to join them my hands start to get clammy and my fingers nervously tap against my thighs as I make my way to them.

The same bright smile stays in place as the woman greets me.

"Mum this is Anna, my girlfriend." Harry says timidly, smiling down at me as he wraps his arm around my waist. "Anna this is my mum Anne."

"It's very nice to meet you," I say smiling at the woman with an outstretched hand.

"It's lovely to meet you darling." Anne says taking my hand in her own. "Harry has told me so much about you," she says shocking me.

"He has?" I say, the surprise clear in my voice. "Well all good things I hope." I smile trying to cover up my initial shock.

"Very," she states with a teasing smile obviously amused by my surprise. Her gaze shifts back to her son who is holding me tightly to his side. "Unfortunately I can't stay." She sighs. "I have a long drive home, and David and I have an early morning tomorrow."

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