Magicians and More Yogurt

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At noon the next morning I pulled up to the frozen yogurt place, sighing. First day. I couldn't believe how fast they had given Liz and I the job. It seemed a little weird, but the pay was good and I was getting a little bored. All I had going on was Niall and Liz. Pretty much nothing else. So I had time to spare.

I got out of my little bug, locked it, and walked into the shop. The scent of all the frozen yogurt filled my nose and I smiled. Liz's shift didn't start until 1:30, and mine was 12-4. 

"Hey!" Leiha voice squealed, and I saw her running towards me, her hair today bouncing in light curls and her brown eyes glittering with gold eyeshadow. I looked down at my dark Hollister skinny jeans and an old camp t-shirt, my long brown hair pulled back in a bun, and felt a little underdressed. 

"Don't worry," The peppy girl replied, then threw a Red Mango shirt in my hand. "You'll change anyway."

Ten minutes later I had changed and was working the yogurt machines. The store started to get more and more busy, and after overflowing the tiny sampling cups about five times and spilling it everywhere I started to get the hang of it. Liz came in and Leiha showed her how to work the cashier.

"Okay, my shifts over, do you guys think you could handle the store?" She said, wiping her hands.

Liz and I glanced at each other and both thought, "Hell no." But then Liz replied with a smile, "Sure!"

We did not handle the store. By the time our shifts were over, the floors were sticky, and our ears hurt a little from yelling. Not the best first day on the job.

At four oclock, passed Liz's shift, we were mopping up the floor while getting annoyed glances by some other guy named Kane that worked here. But he said everyone messes up on the first day...just not this much. 

Two hours later Liz and I were sitting on the couch eating chinese food, exhausted.

"I don't know if I can look at anymore frozen yogurt," Liz said, holding her small stomach, and I laughed and took a bite of my egg roll.

My phone started vibrating in my pocket- it said Harry- and I picked it up, turning the tv down.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey," Niall replied, and I smiled. "Sorry I couldn't find my phone, used Hazza's. I got some news, I don't know if you'll be happy or not...."

"What is it?" I asked, already feeling hot. Lizzie looked over at me, her eyebrow raised.

"Okayy well today I got a call from Good Morning America and they want to have me and you in for an interview in three days..." His voice trailed off as he waited for my reaction.

And honestly, for a second I didn't know how to react. But then I smiled and said, "That's so cool! Do we get to go to New York and stuff? I've never been there!""

I knew Niall was smiling back at the other end. "You're really excited?"

"Of course," I replied. Liz was jumping up and down, wanting to know what was happening. "I mean, as long as we can do some fun stuff alone in New York."

"You read my mind," Niall replied. "Well, Harry's yelling to stop yapping to my girlfriend and using up his minutes and get my butt in a to you later sweetie."

My stomach fluttered when he said "sweeite" and I replied, "Alrighty, bye."

I hung up and sat back down next to Lizzie.

"What what what?" She said, still jumping a little.

"Niall said we both got an invite to an interview for GMA in New York!" I said, feeling really giddy.

"Noooo way!" She said. "Your gonna be on tv? Ooo, he said you could bring a friend, right? Cuz, I mean, we have jobs and I have some free money to buy things...."

I smiled and nodded. "I'm sure you could come."

"YAAA!' She said, jumping up and dancing a little. I'll spare you of the details.

"You guys are so cute," She said, sitting back down. "Have you...done it yet?"

"What?!" I whispered to her, feeling my face get red. "No! We've only been dating like... a month! And I'm only almost 18!"

She shrugged. 

"Have you?" I asked.

She smiled. "A magician never reveals her secrets."

I put my hands to my face and sighed. 

AN: heheheh :) please be kind dears and vote and comment and fan cuz ur lovely :) New York is up next!!


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