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Final Author's Note.

Okayyy, so how do I begin this?


I know that everyone has someone who has created a big impact in their lives. People come and go, just like our feelings. My aunt once told me that you will not always remember all of the things that people did to you detail by detail, but you cannot forget how they treated you and made you special. I can truly say that Heartbreak Series is something that I will never forget. I may forget the plot and everything, but surely, I'll never forget how much fun I had while writing this whole thing.

Same goes to you guys, I hope that you won't forget how much tears you've shed (I'm so sorry for that.), and how much laughters we've shared along the journey.

This series made a big impact in my life and I don't know if I'd be anywhere near where I am right now if I didn't make this. And I hope that my little work of art made an impact in your lives, too.

I'd like to thank everyone, like, literally everyone who's here. From the people since the beginning of Heartbreak Girl, to the ones who only read my work a little bit over last week. To the ones who's always patiently waiting for my updates, to the people whom I became friends with, to the silent readers, to the wild readers... literally everyone.

I still feel like I haven't thanked you all enough.

To my sister (who has been very supportive and just being really amazing), my real-life friends who accidentally knew that I'm a Wattpad Writer (Ate Alona, Genava, and everyone else), to Karen my loves so sweet (we "met" because of this hahaha i love you), to Ate Tin (who's always giving me advices and ideas) , to my bestfriend Lej (though he's not reading this, thanks anyway, asshole), and my roommate Alynna (for always being there to tolerate my "feels" and generally just for being great)...

To my friends in twitter... hopia2625, TIUmdgem, patweeeesha, rieticulum, _aybelieve, innocentkiid, httpskathniel, breeeyana, xxrenzy, tbhkbdp, knwattylines, azpxo, emillianaire_, gia_bautista, emjayyysee, ijeremeih, elreeen, delenDEN_, wxderkiel, MarthaIsabella5, sxphiiasticated, eaglegreek, chumcham_, twitintininin, infinitexy...

To my friends here in Wattpad... SudddenThinker, sparemewhatyouthink_, Mademoiselleandrea, InnocentPen, TheAnonymousFanGirl, destinyandchances, HEMMINGSWIFI...

To my dear handlers...

I'm sorry if I missed out some usernames, I can only remember a few. But I am really really really GRATEFUL to have everyone of you and I'm just so happy that of nearly 8 billion people in the world, I got the chance to interact with all of you. If that's not destiny, then I don't know anymore.

Ngayon pa lang miss ko na ang Heartbreak Series. You have no idea how hard it is to let this go. But, I love Heartbreak Series, so I'm letting it go.

Okay, so this is it...

I love you all forever.

fangiirlingpotato, signing off...

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