24: Your HeartBeat

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Izuku's eyes are watering. "I just murdered someone, Kacchan"

"I-" Katsuki tried to say something to somehow reassure the boy. He's relieved that the real Midoriya Izuku he knows is back, alive and breathing but also not, he had the innocent soul dirty its hands.

What can he say?

"D-Deku! You just saved me, you know?" Katsuki managed to say, "If you hadn't pulled the trigger, then I'm probably the one who died!" That somehow reassured him but of course, it's not that easy.

"B-but he's just being brainwashed, he isn't actually the bad guy." Midoriya mumbled.

The greenette retched, feeling nauseous all of a sudden, covering his mouth with both hands. His knees suddenly felt weak which made him fall to his butt on the ground. Katsuki ran towards the boy, once he had sat beside him, he patted its back up and down. "Dammit- it's my fault" He cursed through his breath.

Midoriya puked all the things he had eaten that he doesn't even remember he ate. He let out everything in his stomach. Thinking that his pure innocent soul left his body along with all those he ate. A bitter aftertaste left his mouth.

Katsuki doesn't know what to say to the greenette. He's relieved, sad, happy, angry, confused, worried and regretful. Another bowl of salad emotions; it's sweet, sour, bitter, salty and just plainly tasteless at the same time.

Suddenly, arms started to wrap around his neck. He jolted his head up that he didn't even realized that he was looking down the whole time. He realized the certain greenette embracing him, his face pressed on his shoulder as he cried there. Katsuki didn't know what to do, the typical him would: 'Get off of me- your snot is sticking to me!' but he doesn't think he should say that in this situation.

He stretched his arm and just patted Izuku's head.

'Oh right, his hair is like a fluffy cloud.' Katsuki thought, making his lips curve into a small smirk. He leaned down with his one arm as a stand, and crossed feet. He then looked up. "Hey Deku.." He called, earning a small hum in response.

"I-" was the only thing that left his lips that are now left parted because of that lump that had always bothered him when talking. Damned lump, learn to be polite, will you?

He gulped down first, "I- I fucking missed you, dammit" he immediately covered his face with the hand that pats the greenette's head. There was a small silence. Then a loud laughing voice rang the whole surrounding; the fucking hell at that. Believe it or not, it was no other than Deku.

"W-What? I don't even know why I said that- forget it!" Katsuki abruptly made an excuse. Once the boy's laughing faded into small chuckles, he replied, "I missed you too- I was alone in the village this whole time.." his voice slowly trailing off.

"I'm sorry about what happened to your village." Katsuki said.

"What for?" Izuku asked, looking at Katsuki straight into his eyes.

"Huh?" The ash-blonde tilted his head in confusion, his brows furrowed both.

"They're fine now!" The greenette said, the all-too-familiar light on his eyes glistening. Wait- so does that mean Shigaraki lied?

"That's fucking great, fine- but- that Shigaraki guy said that your village-.." His voice trailed off then he started recalling what the heck that man said.
He didn't mention Deku's name, did he?

"Wait- Shigaraki Tomura mentioned his village to you?!" Izuku said, also confused.

"Shigaraki was the sole survivor in an epidemic in a village, it was secluded in the middle of a forest that he'd reach about an hour just to go to a nearby town not to mention that people could get lost and killed by wild animals there, especially by wolves, dragons and bears." The greenette said.

"But he said that he was the one who caused it.."

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