12: Remain

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Remaining Days..

What am I doing with my life?

A/N: I'm really sorry for the very very very very very late update!! I need to Reformat my CP coz' it has a freakin' virus!! And because I did: I need to rewrite this and install my apps back and contacts and MORE!! WHAAAAA!

at least my Yaoi Pics are safe.. *smirk*


~•Bakugo's POV•~

It's been merely 3 days after that day..

Izuku left before the party ends..

Why and How? A stranger riding on a horse came and quickly called for him. They talked for a minute about his mom's condition. Since it's about his mom, he didn't have any second thoughts..

He joined the man on his horse, forgetting everything around him..

His Friends..

His Wolf..

And even Me..

I was about to call for him.. But I didn't. I was planning to tell him that I'll go too, that I'll support him, that I'll take care of him.. And that..

I lo-

I woke up sweaty and breathing heavily..

I decided to get up and make breakfast. Before I could reach to the kitchen, I looked around.

It felt empty..

Sofa, Mat, Door, Window, Curtain, Table, Bed.. Every and each object in this house has a memory with him.

Everything feels like there's something missing, lacking.

I spotted a letter on the floor near the door.

"What now?" I grunted with my dry voice.

I detached the red common seal from the envelope. Inside, exposing a white neat paper.

I read the letter silently..

"WHAT THE ACTUAL F*CK?!" I exclaimed as I crumble the paper and throw it throughout the window.

Bakugo Katsuki,
  We, the officials hereby declare the Tournament officially open with thou as our challenger..”

And with that I continued cooking, "Tch" I clicked my tongue while taking the chopping board and knife out of the cupboard.

"On second thought, I'm not hungry" I placed the equipments back in the cupboard untidily and quickly close it.

I lost my appetite..

I groggily fall back to bed.


A several times of banging on the door woke me up. I glances at the time and noticed that it's only been 5 minutes that I fell back asleep. I grunted and made my way to the door, kicked it and it opened. Revealing an as-always spiky red head with sharp teeth and unusual piercing eyes glaring at me, holding out a crumpled paper.

Oh shit..

"What's that?" I innocently asked, my voice still dry. "Don't act impeccable" Kirishima replied as he entered the house without even saying something about it, Its not like I should make an argument in this situation. The red head sat down on a mat, followed by me sitting across him and a coffee table between us.

"Let's talk about this" He unwrinkled the paper and planted it on the said table. "I found it outside obviously, the thing is.. Will you attend or what? Midoriya leaving doesn't mean you go messing around and that your life is meaningless!" Kirishima lectured.

"What's your dream ever since you were young? Become the champion in every and each tournament right?! Why abandon it?
Midoriya is always cheering for you to be one. If he heard that you didn't compete, he'll blame himself! It would be better to be depressed if you'll never be able to see him again but you still could! He isn't dead yet! "

"If your angry at him, then go enrage in the tournament!" Kirishima advised "But please don't make them kick the bucket!" He added.

I smirked at his Short, funny and direct but serious speech but still realized that he's right. "Then That's so manly of you, shitty hair" I commented.

"Oh, Was that a compliment?"


"See yah!" Kirishima waved goodbye as he ran.

Well, he was actually just going to deliver my meal yet he stumbled upon this piece of paper.
I read and examine the details in the paper and envelope more carefully.

"3 days left huh.. And in the usual place, near the palace.." I clicked my tongue at the realization I mentioned 'palace'.

Why do you hate the palace so much?
The voice of the greenette suddenly rung.
Did I just heard it or my imagination?

I looked around me and found nothing..

Speaking of which, Why do I hate it?
Well, there are no particular reasons behind it.. I guess.
I just felt like I have to answer the question aloud so I did. "I just don't like it"

I facepalmed myself..
"What am I doing with my life?" I mumbled.
Why am I talking yo myself? Have I lost my mind..?

I unwrap the food shittyhair delivered and start eating it. I don't feel hungry just a moment ago, yet I'm really starved like I'd die if I don't eat right now.

"What should I do this following seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades and centuries?" I smirked at my sudden thought.

After eating my meal, I feed Toba and Bakusatsuo with my leftover meals since yesterday..

"Hope this isn't spoiled yet.." I mumbled as I divided their meals into two trough. Both the beasts sniffed their food and then ate it. 

Watching the two eat, I sat down the ground.

The silence surround me once again..

Ever since Izuku left, the environment only produce white sound. The birds tweeting, the whipping sound of the branches and leaves, the crickets are chirping and the wind continuously blows.

I should get use to this..
Shitty hair's also right.. He isn't dead yet.
It isn't impossible to see him again, right?

"He's the reason why I wanted to be the TOP.. To be the No. 1"

[FlashBack] (Third Person View)

"Kacchan!" A small voice screamed after witnessing the ash blonde kid got punched from shielding him.

"I-I promise.. I'll protect you form now on!" The brave kid Katsuki yelled as he wipe off the small red liquid from the corner of his mouth because he unintentionally bit his tongue after getting hit.

"Kacchan.." Izuku mumbled.
'That's the way how Kacchan apologize..' Midoriya said to himself silently and smiled.

"I'll never get tired of forgiving you Kacchan"




~•My Deku•~ (KatsuDeku/BakuDeku)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz