1: It's been TOO long

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~•Katsuki's POV•~

Alone in the forest feeding my red huge dragon which I named 'Bakusatsuo' with this red pear-shaped fruit.
I thought the name was too long but I still called him that.

I CAUGHT the dragon with Deku when we were young.
He's a... friend, I guess.

Honestly, he was the one who tamed this red beast but he gave it to me since, according to him, he doesn't know what to feed the dragon. Telling me that he doesn't even know how to take care of one.

We were friends ever since we were toddlers, until middle school. Deku stopped and home schooled instead since they don't have enough money to spend on Deku's education.
And after that, I heard that they moved houses. And I never saw him again since.

I honestly don't give a flying fuck if he drops dead elsewhere. I admit that he annoys me.
But something deep inside me feels empty ever since he had left my side, or rather- back. I never allowed him to walk beside me after all.

I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice 'Bakuhatsuo' run after a fucking butterfly or whatever tf it is.

After realizing, I ran after the dragon. I saw its tail wiggling as I approached it.
The more I get closer, the slower I walked.
As I sneak, I noticed someone playing with the dragon. I pulled out my dagger and lean behind a tree.

The stranger with a coat walked beside my dragon. "Hey, Bakusatsuo... Your name is too long, I wonder why Kacchan never change it?"
My eyes widen as I hear the voice.

Fuck it if I'm wrong but- I recognize the voice from someone I haven't met in years. His voice became a little deeper but I'm sure it's him. He is the only guy who calls me 'Kacchan'...

Skeptically, I showed up and immediately stared, which appears more to be a glare, at the man whom I suspect to be Deku.

His tan skin, green fluffy hair, those freckles across his cheeks, and innocent big green eyes.
He didn't change much-
I'm stunned. My lips were agape and I can't say a word-

Is this happiness?

I can't decipher what I truly feel- it's a salad of regret, happiness, excite,
I can't help but gulp down the lump in my throat forbidding me to talk.

"Uh- Hi K-kacchan..?" The freckled guy greeted me with a nervous tone that I found so fuckingfucking

"Don't you just fucking 'hi' me!" I yelled at him and he just nervously chuckled. After that, there was a short silence between us.
I saw his hands were trembling but I'm sure that it's not because of my threatening voice. He's pretty much used to this anyway.

After a few awkward seconds, a loud growl from the greenette's stomach was heard breaking the silence, I gotta admit that I'm kinda thankful for that.

"Tch-" I said as I turned around, my hands tucked inside my pockets.
The cinnamon roll behind, apparently embarrassed, doesn't know what to do.

"Follow me, I'll guide you to my house. I'm currently making dinner.." I said as I started walking. Deku smiled widely at the generous offer.
He followed me from behind, catching up to me.

It's getting dark now, the sun is setting at the horizon from across the mountains. Sooner, stars started to sparkle and the moon's lighting helped us see the path.

I stopped in my tracks once I was in front of a finely made wooden house, which is my home. I'm living on my own, except with Bakusatsuo.
Living alone is fine but there are times when I would feel so damn lonely...

I opened the door slowly and a creak echoed in the house as I let myself in and followed by Deku.

He removed his coat and hanged it neatly on a hook nailed through the wall while I light up a lamp.
"Sit your ass down somewhere and wait.." I said as I walk to the kitchen preparing dinner.

I noticed Deku looking around the house. "You've got a nice house.." He said, amused then started to open the doors of the rooms one by one.
"Hey! Don't go goofing around!" I yelled not really rude, just to make sure he heard.
He quickly ran back to the sofa and sat down on it.

I finished preparing dinner, I set two plates and the other utensils on the table. I placed my freshly cooked curry on the table as well.

I sat down on one of the four chairs around the wooden table, "What are you waiting for?" I asked, staring at the adorable guy raising a brow.
Wait. Adorable?? Oh shit!

"Uh- Coming!!" The certain greenette stood up from the comfortable sofa and sat on the seat across me. "Thank you for the food!" Smiling widely, and licking the corner of his lips. "Time to dig in.."

~•~Midoriya's POV~•~

The curry was delicious!! I'm glad! Kacchan has gotten so mature!! While I am, still childish..?
By the way, Kacchan said I can sleep here!

He's so nice!

"Go sleep on the floor.."
I guess I have to take back what I just thought... I pouted at him but he didn't even seem to care.

Urg, whatever.. I'm just going to spend my night here anyway.
Well, I have no right to complain. He's nice enough to not even ask me about 'why' was I there, 'how' did I get there, and 'what' happened through all the times I was gone.

I placed a mat on the floor and a soft pillow. I laid on it for a minute but I felt uncomfortable so I get back up. There's no time to be picky!

I can't sleep properly! Once I've slept after an hour or a half, I'll wake back up again!

I decided to take my time in the bathroom. I washed my hands after and left. I went back to the room and started to feel my surroundings, it was dark that I couldn't see a thing. I crawled on the soft surface that I found very comfortable and slept peacefully.

~•Katsuki's POV •~

I took a glimpse of Iz- Deku's sleeping face...
"So damn c- FUCK!!"

"Kacchan? Don't go yelling" His eyes closed and he seemed sleep talking but I'm sure he's awake, Just too lazy to open his eyes.

"What the hell, Deku?! I told you to sleep on the floor! What are you doing in my fucking bed?!" I yelled, I felt the heat climb up to my cheeks that I assume to be red right now...

"Eh... I'm sleeping on the floor, am I not?" He said still having his eyes closed.

"You're in hell, Deku!" I yelled once again making him wince and open his eyes slowly.

"What? Y' see, I'm sleeping on the flo- Oh... I'm in your bed...?" He said which I don't know if he's asking me or clarifying that he slept on the floor.
And added a nervous chuckle.

"Oh... Why am I in your bed?"

"I should be the one asking you that!" I yelled once again. He just shot me a confused look which made me just shut up or my throat can't take my yelling anymore.

"Urgh, Whatever!!"


Hope you'll support and like my story until the end!!

Edit on Jan. 26, 2021:
I really love reading your comments xD they're hilarious af

~•My Deku•~ (KatsuDeku/BakuDeku)Where stories live. Discover now