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"You know, I never got to ask what your accent is."

"Uh, British."

"Hm. I thought it would have been like Irish or something."

"Can you not tell the difference between accents?"

"I don't get out much."

"What's yours?"

"Hello? I don't have an accent. I'm American."

"Obviously, your manners are non-existent."

"Excuse you?"

"Thank you."

"You erk me."

"I'm glad I have some kind of effect on you."

"Gross. Where are you from though?"


"What's that?"

"It's in the UK."

"Oh. I'm from Chicago."

"You moved all the way to Orlando?"

"I like warmer weather and beaches. You moved all the way to Orlando from over seas?"

"My whole family did when I was still young. But they live in Tampa now."

"Oh, wow. Who all do you have in your family?"

"Uh, it's my mom, my dad, and I have one brother."

"Nice. Me too."

"Is he older?"

"Nah, younger. He's a little twerp. Yours?"


"Crazy. I would've thought you were an only child, you're so weird."

"It felt that way, my brother is eight years older, so."

"Wow. My brother is only five years younger."


"So, what's the plan for the future planning?"

"Well, we'll submit the outline to Jimmy tomorrow and then we can start more research."


"You'll see."

"I'm scared. Tell me."

"If I do you won't comply, just be patient."

"I hate you."

"I know you do."


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