page 27

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   The familiar feeling of a hangover greeted Cadence as she groaned in the sunlight shining through the crack in the blinds. But she didn't have blinds. She covered her eyes and curled up, rolling herself over to face away from the sunlight. Suddenly her face became way warmer, reached out to feel a body. A body?

   "What the hell?" She grumbled in a groggy voice, hair disheveled as she opened her eyes to see topless Elliot sleeping beside her soundly.

   "WHAT THE HELL." She said again slightly louder, making Elliot stir and peek open one of his eyes.

   His grin appeared as he closed his eyes again. "Hey, charming. All tuckered out from last night still?"

   Cadence grabbed her pillow she had used and wacked him with it, making him flinch and coil back, putting his hands up in defense.

   "Woah, woah! I can explain!"

   She wacked him with each word she said. "What. The. FUCK. HAPPENED. LAST NIGHT."

   Elliot grabbed the pillow and ripped it from her, throwing it onto the floor. "You got super drunk, you must have lost your house key because you couldn't get into your apartment building you said. I took you to my place obviously. Nothing. Else. Happened."

   She sulked and glared at him, tossing the covers off her and swinging herself to a standing position. Ignoring the motion sickness and major migraine, she wobbled over to close the blinds and then make her way out of the bedroom, still in her dress from last night. Hearing Elliot come after her, she mumbled insults to herself, looking for her shoes and belongings so she could leave ASAP.

   "What are you doing? At least let me make you breakfast." Elliot said, following her as she stumbled around his apartment.

   "Where are my shoes?" She asked irritatedly. "Also," Cadence whipped around to face him, pointing an accusing finger. "why the hell did you sleep in the bed with me? Isn't a gentleman supposed to sleep on the couch?"

   Elliot scratched the back of his head and chuckled. "I must've laid down for a minute and passed out. Otherwise I wouldn't have been in there with you. I apologise."

   Cadence dropped her hand at his apology and frowned. Her eyes raked over his bare chest, toned but not too muscular. She blushed when she saw he was in only sweatpants, that hung much too low.

   "You aren't forgiven." She turned around and continued to look for her shoes.

   "They're by the table."

   Glaring over her shoulder at him, she made her way to the table and sat down, finding her heels and putting them on. She stood and bent over, collecting her hair to make a ponytail, tying it up with a spare hair tie she normally carries on her left wrist.

   "I enjoyed the sleepover." Elliot joked. Cadence scoffed and grabbed her pocket bag, walking to the door and opening it.

   "I'm sure you did, creep. I'm taking today and tomorrow off. I see you too often. Bye." And with that, she walked out and shut the door.


sorry for the short chapter, but yeh, i have no explanation lmaoo
i put a picture above with the castings snuggling, as if it were elliot and cadence, thought it was ironic since the exact opposite happened :')

also, ship name ideas? i'm drawing a blank.





i dun know

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