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Mr. Boss Guy



"I think it would be smart of you to accept this offer, Ms. Raymond."

"I will not work with him."

"I'm not asking."

"Gosh, Jerry, seriously? Him?"

"He's one of the best writers I have, along with you, I think it's the most strategic way for this to be pulled off."

"Why do I have to do this again?"

"The time has come for another best seller, and if I'm being completely honest with you, I don't think that will be achieved solely by yourself."

"Wow, thanks."

"Listen, you're talented, but what better way to write a best seller love story than with my best female and male writer on the case?"

"Oh my god you're weird."

"I'm your boss."

"Yeah, and? Why does it have to be a love story, can it at least be like... a mystery or something?"

"Romance is what's in."

"How do you know "what's in"? You're like 50 years old-"


"I don't know why you haven't fired me yet."

"Me neither. Now go get to work, I'll notify Elliot tomorrow morning."

"Gosh, fine. I better be getting paid big bucks for this, Jerry."

"Write me a good book and we'll talk."

"Don't I always?"


"On second thought, don't answer that."


hello ! since i've been really bored but not motivated enough to work more on my novel at the moment, but motivated enough to do a short story like this, i think this is a new story line i'm going to run with. trying to keep it a little different from the others but not too crazy.

let me know what you think !!

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