"Three buttermilk pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries for breakfast. A double cheeseburger with onion rings for lunch and if it's dinner sometimes I order fried chicken with french fries and ranch."

"Damn, Junnie, you eat a lot." Jeno chuckled and Renjun smiled.

"You ain't seen nothing yet. When it comes to junk-food or like really really good food, I eat so much." Renjun furrowed his brows and looked down at his head of hair. "Did you not see how much I literally ate yesterday at the barbecue?"

"Oh I did. I just thought you were exhausted." Jeno chuckled. "Nah, exhausted is studying for midterms, functioning on three sleepless nights and three cups of coffee while practicing for the Spring Play."

"That's not a good thing, baby. This year there'll be none of that. If you look exhausted I will take you home." Jeno frowned and cupped his cheeks. "I care too much about you."

"Oh god stop it, I'm blushing like crazy." Renjun swatted away his hands and they sat up, ready to brush their teeth and go get some breakfast.

At the picnic tables, Renjun notices that Jaemin and Hyyck were missing. He furrows his eyebrows, taking a seat next to Yukhei.

"Where's Hyuck and Jaemin?" He asked, feeling a hand on his thigh that came from Jeno.

"Dunno." Yukhei shrugged. "Haven't seen them since yesterday afternoon."

"I know exactly where they are." Chenle said, picking at his nails.

"Where?" Renjun asked him, curious to know where they were.

"Making up." Jisung said, hering Chenle snort.

"More like making out." Chenle shuddered in disgust.

"Huh?" Jeno asked, just as confused as everyone.

"Yeah, they started yelling at each other last night and then suddenly they're kissing." Chenle sighed. Jeno and Renjun looked at each other, shocked at what they heard.

"You think...?" Renjun trailed off, a small gasp at the end. Chenle stared confused at them.

"I'm certain. Hyuck was being petty." Jeno nodded and Renjun's eyes widened.

"I know you guys are boyfriends and all but, you wanna tell us what you're being so cryptic about?" Chenle sighed, so done with the two of them.

"Well... I think they're dating-"

"Sorry I was fashionably late." Hyuck said, taking a seat with Jaemin following.

"You look as ugly as always but okay." Yangyang shrugged, getting a glare from Hyuck.

"That's not true, right Nana?" Hyuck asked Jaemin, getting and hum from him.

"Of course not, Channie."

"Is that what we look like?" Jeno whispered to Renjun and getting a shrug.

"Nah you guys are more tolerable. This," Jisung signaled to the two of them "Is pure chaos."

"You take that back!" Hyuck yelled at Jisung, hearing everyone laugh at the table.

"And most annoying couple of the year award goes to..." Chenle muttered under his breath.

"Spoiler alert, it's bot NoRen." Yukhei said, hearing everyone laugh at the table.

"Food's ready!" They heard Doyoung say to them and they all got up to serve themselves their breakfast.

They all ate, happily and embracing the last moments they would have at camp.

"Text me when you get home." Jeno told Renjun, placing a kiss on his lips. Renjun only goggled and nodded.

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