Chapter Eighteen - Shopping

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You'd started your period that morning.

Dumped chum in the water.

Aunt Flo was here.

Fallen to the communists.

Other such codes that all lead to one thing - code red.

Honestly, your periods weren't as bad as you knew other girls were. Your main symptoms were just moodiness and trouble sleeping. More than anything, you would usually just feel irritable. Generally, you were able to keep those emotions under control and not let them affect others.

Today has been a difficult day for you, though. All you wanted to do was take a nap and get away from all the imbeciles that were around your school. Particularly other girls. No, actually, the boys too. You try to keep a scowl off your face as you pick your lunch up and walk towards your usual table.

Ugh, look at all these girls without any breakouts on their faces, and no bags under their eyes. It's difficult not to resent them. Especially the younger freshmen, who have way too much energy on a good day. The fourteen year old boys that laugh boisterously and shout in their prepubescent voices.

As you plop your lunch tray on the table, Trixie looks up, raising her eyebrows at you and muttering, "That's a charming glower you have on your face."

"What's wrong with you?" Erica asks, crunching on a carrot stick.

"Everyone is stupid," you grumble, picking at your food distastefully.

Trixie raises an eyebrow, "Who is everyone?"

Sighing loudly, you look out at the cafeteria and mumble, "Freshmen."

Ariana, who has remained silent thus far, laughs, "They aren't stupid, they're just ignorant and young. The young thing sorts itself out pretty quickly."

"Some of them are stupid," the huff argumentatively.

"There's always stupid poeople, but I think it is fair to say most of them are just ignorant for the time being." Erica says in a tone of finality.

"Well, I don't like the stupid ones," you snap, frsutration mounting. "Ignorance can be cured. Stupidity is forever."

Each of the girls react by bursting into fits of giggles and snickers. You hadn't meant it to be funny, but you still crack a small smile.

Erica laughs loudly, her expression cagey, "Fleur Gordon, even when you are being a bitch, you're still hilarious."

"I'll take that compliment," you smirk. "I started my period this morning. That's why I'm so charming - as Trixie put it."

This makes Erica cringe and she whines, "Awe, man, if you started yours that means that I'll be starting mine soon too."

"Good, then we can suffer together."

"Thanks," Erica scoffs, rolling her eyes.

You shrug, taking a bite of your sandwich as you reply, "Misery loves company."

Without warning, Yua appears, slamming her lunch tray down on the table and squealing, "We're going shopping this weekend!"

Trixie's eyes immediately light up excitedly, "Shopping!"

"What are we shopping for?" Erica asks, not unenthusiastic, but wary.

"For homecoming, obviously!" Yua chirps, "It's a week from Saturday. Haven't you been paying attention to all the posters they have hung up?"

"Woman, you know we haven't been looking at the posters," you say in a playfully snarky voice.

This made perfect sense though. After all, this is how it had been during your whole high school career. Erica, Ariana, and yourself were usually too busy just with studying and boxing to even notice when other things were happening around the school. Yua, who came from a wealthy family and had a certain passion for fashion, was always the one to make sure you were taken care of for occasions like homecoming or other dances.

Miss Matched // Thomas Sangster FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang