Chapter Thirty-One - Revenge

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Thomas throws another experimental jab at the punching bag. His arms are aching from the long practice session today, but that was typical even for a short practice. Landing hard blows on any object repeatedly tends to wear on the body, and it hadn't taken Thomas long to learn that. Thomas didn't complain though. He was happy to get some of his frustrations out during practice.

Some of the other boys are practicing sparring with each other. In the corner, a small CD player blares deafening rock music. One of the twins decided that the music would motivate the team to train harder, and so far he had been right. Practices had been more intense ever since he'd started cranking the music.

Coach Pollard stands near the girls, critiquing their form every now and again. Her head bobs along to the music, making her wispy, white hairs fly everywhere.

Thomas turns his attention back to the punching bag, practicing feigns and jabs. He still didn't fully understand the appeal of boxing as a sport. It seemed too aggressive to him, but he had to admit that it had been exercise for him, both physically and mentally.

Suddenly, Coach Pollard appears at his shoulder, cautiously reaching for his hands, and pulling them up towards his face. In a voice loud enough for only Thomas to hear, she instructs, "Be careful, Thomas. Keep your hands closer to your face. When you're in a match, you don't want to leave yourself without defense. Quick on the offense, even quicker back to defense."

Thomas nods, repeating words he's heard her say a hundred times now, "The best offense is a good defense."

"Exactly," she says with a kind smile. "Now, let's see it again. Immediately back to defense."

He follows her instructions, demonstrating it to her a couple times.

She nods approvingly, "Nearly there, just keep practicing and you'll get faster."

Thomas agrees, and starts to turn back to practice more, but Coach stops him again, and with an expression full of meaning says, "And if you ever want to come practice or need help with anything, my door is always open to you, Thomas. Do you understand?"

Looking at her face, Thomas knows exactly what she means. Coach hadn't treated him any differently since Ava had been taken from the school. In fact, Thomas hadn't even known if she knew anything about Ava at all. It was clear she did now though. She'd just chosen to continue treating him like everyone else.

It makes sense why Fleur loved Coach Pollard so much. He was sure that she had been the exact same way with Fleur after her parents had died. Knowing Fleur, she would have preferred being here, away from the sympathetic glances and preferential treatment. Coach Pollard's version of kindness was understanding that normalcy was the best cure for anything.

"Yes." Thomas adds, "Thanks, Coach."

She nods, her aged face stretching into a little smile. Then, wordlessly, she moves on to her next student.

When practice is over, Coach Pollard huddles everyone up. Thomas bumps shoulders with his other rambunctious team members, who are wired from the extended practice. The smell of sweat is prominent, and everyone seems to be radiating humidity. He can't help but notice Fleur standing at the edge of the circle, looking a little pale. Trying to make eye contact with her, Thomas shifts to the left so she can look directly at him, but her attention is directed at Coach Pollard only.

"I want you all to take some of your personal time this week and get an extra work out or two in," Coach says, looking around the group sternly. "You're all doing very well, but our first competitive matches are coming up and if we want to win the season, we need to keep up the dedication. Can each of you plan to work extra this week?"

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