Chapter Fourteen - In the Ring

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It's the end of an uneventful Thursday, and you have a lot of pent up energy. It's been a difficult week, since the weather has been so gorgeous outside. How do adults stay cooped up all day when the world outside is so grand?

After assessing your homework load and deciding that you don't need to get anything done tonight, you head to the dining hall for a light dinner and then head to the gym to get in an early workout before boxing practice.

As you walk to the gym with your workout bag thrown over your shoulder, you admire Gandy Academy for probably the millionth time. This time, you notice the little traces of fall that are in the air already. The weather is so different from what you grew up with in Arizona. Honestly, you kind of prefer it here in Alaska - it's much greener. Not that you dislike the red and gold of Arizona's environment. You can just feel the life around you much more here at Gandy.

You take the opportunity to reflect on your week as you put on your gym clothes. Thinking back to last weekend, you remember Thomas's challenge. Thomas told you he thought he could take you in the rink. The thought still annoys you.

What would make him think that? You've been boxing for years. Does he think he can beat you in the boxing rink just because you're a girl?

These thoughts fuel your workout.

Suddenly, you can't wait until practice for a reason beyond what is normal. You haven't been able to get into the ring with Thomas yet. When you finally get in the ring with him, you'll show him who is really the best at boxing.

You stand in front of a punching bag, throwing yourself at it mercilessly. Your knuckles land on the bag again, and again, and again. A fast paced rhythm is set, and after a few minutes, you have to slow yourself down again so you don't accidentally sprain your wrist.

You switch up your routine now, slowing down your pace and trying to calm your emotions.

Cover. One hit. Cover. Two hits.

But the change in exercise doesn't improve your thoughts. If anything, your thoughts go to a darker place as you remember that the anniversary of your parents death is coming up in just a few days. As this unwelcome reindeer churns in your mind, you unconsciously pick up the pace of your work out again.

This time, you can't make yourself care about the possibility of spraining your wrist.

Without meaning to, you have officially worked yourself into a bad mood.

Finally, it is time for boxing practice and everyone starts to arrive. Erica and Ariana walk in together, chatting idly. When they see your face, they can tell by the dark expression you wear that you are not in a good mood. Erica gives you an inquisitive look, but you just shake your head in response.

Now isn't the time to talk about it. Especially with stupid Thomas stading six feet away talking to your other boxing friends like they've been buddies their whole freaking lives.

Ugh. Why did your brain have to think about the most upsetting, depressing things right before boxing practice?

When Coach Pollard arrives, she sets you to work on warm up exercises. Running laps, push ups, sit ups - the regular work. You're starting to feel a little sore and fatigued, but you push through it. It's mostly mental fatigue from the intrusive thoughts and you know it.

Finally, Coach circles each of you up to discuss the rest of practice. She starts, "Now, today I have planned for us to pair up and do some sparring. What I haven't decided yet, is if I'll keep you within your own genders, or if we'll practice girls versus boys. Does anyone have a particular preference?"

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