Chapter |8| Bombs away

Start from the beginning

The last shop we, well Kira and Antonio, decided to go to was sex shop. I was so uncomfortable and Antonio was trying to giving me advice on the best ones to use.

My face was literally as red as a tomato when Kira handed me a vibrator and a dildo. I told her I wouldn't need them but she told me not to knock it till I've tried it and bought them from me.

I personally couldn't wait to get out of there. I basically sprinted all the way back to the car and sat in the passenger seat. It took me by surprise when Kira sat in the front and started to drive instead of Antonio who decided to lay across the back.

"I'm taking you somewhere. Don't ask where, it's a surprise but I promise you'll have fun." I didn't bother asking any questions so I just kid back and listened to the music.

I got a little scared when Kira parked in what looked like an abandoned car park. Actually scratch that, a scary car park, because there a few old disgusting looking cars parked around.

They both got out the car and I quickly followed. My eyes widened as I saw them take out what looked like hand grenades and bombs.

"Okay, so Gabi just watch us play and then join in whenever you feel comfortable." She said with a smile and I just gave her a small nod, still trying to figure out what the hell is happenings right now.

I watched as Kira ran over to one of the cars and placed a bomb underneath it. She quickly ran back and grabbed my arm to pull me further away.

"Okay so I guess we'll play from here." She said to Antonio and he picked up one of the hand grenades. He threw it in the air a couple of times, before launching it at the car.

It hit the car and the whole thing just blew up, right before my eyes. Antonio was beaming with pride and Kira just sulked and muttered one nil.

I was so confused but I knew it was a game. A twisted weird one, that's for sure.

Antonio strapped a bomb underneath another car and just made it back in time, before Kira threw it. She missed and it hit the wall, leaving a large hole in it.

"Oops. God, how do I suck so bad? It's only been like a year since we played."

"Yeah but I've gotten better." Antonio bragged.

"Your turn." Kira said, turning toward me with a hand grenade in her hand.

"Oh um, I don't really know if..."

"Just shut up and play! It's fun okay and a great way of getting out your aggression. Trust me, you'll have fun." She smirked as I took it out her hand and Antonio quickly ran back after setting it up.

I stared at my target. It was an old rusted piece of metal basically. No way could it still work and the colour has been basically stripped away. I can easily do this. I used to be captain of the netball team, and the basket ball team.

It's easy right. Just pretend it's a ball and throw it.

I threw the grenade and it didn't even make it ten metres away before exploding, nearly taking off all our heads in the process. Wow, I really am weak and pathetic.

"Hey, it's fine okay. You just need some more power in your throw. Think of everything that makes you angry. Channel your rage and aggression." Kira said with an encouraging smile on her face and she handed me another grenade.

I took a deep breath and focused on my anger. How I felt when I found out that my parents lied to me, when Damon hit me, when I first met Destiny, when Ryder almost raped me.

I put my hand back and screamed as I threw it as hard as I could. I watched as it flew through the air and landed on top of the car's dented roof.

Three, two, one boom!!

I had a smile on my face, an actual smile when I saw it explode. I did that. I made something blow up, and it feels great.

"Well done!" Antonio and Kira screamed. They both gave me congratulatory hugs, before carrying on with the game.

We played a couple more rounds and Antonio one, with me as a close runner up and Kira only scoring two. I was so happy and proud of myself. Maybe this mafia life won't be so bad.

"So, tell me all about your school. My dad was so overprotective that he hired tutors for me so I was home schooled alongside Ryder. It sucked." Kira said as we sat in the back of the car together.

I felt bad for her. Everyone deserves the chance to have a normal childhood and go to school, make friends, memories.

"It's not very interesting. I have no friends, had no boyfriends, just sat in class and learnt really." I shrugged.

"Really? Nothing exciting or funny ever happened. What about high school?" She seemed so excited so I tried to dig through all my memories and think of something actually exciting that happened.

"Well, there was one time in year ten that me, my friends and a few boys played truth or dare. That was pretty funny. It was my first ever boy girl party and let's just say it got a little wild. Not for me, of course. I wasn't risking to lose my first kiss or my virginity at some stupid party. Anyway my friend, who was hosting the party, got pretty drunk and her parents ended up coming home early from their trip. They walked in to find a bunch of kids in their house smoking, drinking, making out and the worst pasty is that they caught my friend sucking off some random guy. It was not good. Her parents called the police and they arrested the guy since he was 18 and called all our parents. Wow, that didn't sound as funny as it did in my head but when her mum found them she almost passed out." Kira was laughing her head off and I was giggling at the memory too. It was quite funny, even though I got grounded for two weeks.

Antonio dropped us off outside the gate since he said he had some errands to run so me and Kira left our bags in the car, because we're lazy fucks who couldn't be asked to carry them, and walked up to the house.

I could see myself having a life here. Kira's great and I already consider her a friend. Ryder's changing too. Maybe we could be happy together.

Kira opened the door and we walked into the main entrance. I gasped as I heard a bullet fire and my eyes widened as I saw it heading straight towards me.

A/N: Haha! How did you like what Kira had planned?

Who do you think is attacking the house?

Bring a smile to my face and please press that vote button. Also feel free to write a comment, I love hearing from you guys! ❤️

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