My Ride Or Die pt6

Start from the beginning

He scrubs harder at the blood on the floor. Shaking his head when Jungkook tries to stop him. He thinks if Jungkook doesn't let him do this he'd be even more petrified.

Of the fact that it's so obvious some sort of gore had occurred in that apartment.

Kook doesn't push it, so he leaves Tae be.

He then hears Jungkook showering as he puts away the cleaning supplies, finds some blood on his hands too, and tries to wipe it away on his sweater. But it doesn't come off. And his sweater is also stained now.

When Jungkook comes out of the shower, with his bandaged hand, damp hair, and clean shirt, he tells Tae to clean himself up too. Gentle hand holding onto Tae's wrist as he guides him into his bedroom and into the bathroom.

He leaves Taehyung to take a hot shower. And Taehyung finds clothes for him to wear prepared by the sink. Jungkook's comfortable shirt and pants that he wears at home.

He comes out after silently, and Jungkook's sitting on his bed, looking thoughtful.

When he realizes Tae's out of the bathroom, he stands and comes close to Tae, who tries not to tremble as Kook just seems to tower over him with his focused gaze.

Because now that they're stripped off any evidence of the killing, it feels like the beginning again. Like he never knew that Jungkook has blood on his hands.

Like Jungkook never told him that he's supposed to kill any witnesses.

"Go to sleep," Jungkook whispers.

"What about you?" Taehyung asks, looking at him.

And Jungkook's eyebrows are furrowed, his gaze a little intense, like he doesn't know what to do with Tae. Yet it softens, warms.

Jungkook nods, understanding the question.

So Tae sleeps with Jungkook under the covers, and savors the sense of security and safety it gives him.

Jungkook tells him it's what he does for living.


People hire him to kill someone. And he kills them. It's simple like that. They pay him lots of money too.

That affords him this place, the languid lifestyle he leads in between jobs. They're good amount of money.

He doesn't say it, but Taehyung knows it's because he's good at it. He said he always had to be quick and concise, so the marks wouldn't even have the chance to know it, they'd already be dead.

Again, he doesn't say it either, but Taehyung thinks that's the most merciful thing Jungkook could do for his marks.

He tells Tae things when he comes for dinners and they lie on the bed together. Taehyung asks him small questions, doesn't want to intrude, and he knows Jungkook tries his best to explain too. And spending more time in the apartment and with the owner, Taehyung learns more about him that he wouldn't have otherwise understood if he hadn't seen the dead man in the apartment.

Jungkook keeps weapons all over the apartment, and Taehyung always has realizations over and over again the reality of what Kook does, because there's a gun in the bedside drawer when he checks while Kook's showering. And another one in the bathroom cupboard too.

There are too many knives in the kitchen when he's cooking for him. And there are a collection of leather gloves in his closet when Tae's looking for his shirts to wear.

It all makes sense now, as Taehyung pieces everything together. How he's so discreet at the bar that not even Hoseok remembers him, that it makes Tae wonder if Jungkook made sure he remembers Jungkook instead. And it's also how Kook talks softly in public places, like he doesn't want to be heard. But Tae heard him just clear.

And he takes his coffee to go, never have meals outside except for some pastries packed in small paper bags.

Learns Jungkook has been here and there, never staying anywhere long. When Tae had looked at him confusedly he didn't elaborate. Taehyung wonders where he was, before he was in this city, sitting there at the bar with a drink in his gloved hand and Taehyung singing on the stage.

Taehyung also learns he doesn't wear colognes. While Tae always wears his.

He thinks his cologne sticks to Kook, to his clothes, because he knows he's seen Kook cleaning up one morning—he cleans up a lot—and found Jungkook lifting his shirt to his nose. Jungkook took it off then, and threw it into the trash bag. Where all the other clothes were stuffed into. The ones Tae recognized he's worn before when he stayed over at Kook's place.

He had gone back to sleep after secretly witnessing that.

Jungkook also tells him that because he has a lot of blood on his hands, there are other people hiring other assassins to get rid of him. And that was why Taehyung had walked in to find a dead body in Jungkook's apartment.

A product of self defense.

"They have put money on my head," Jungkook whispers in the dead of night, like some kind of a bedtime story, arms around Taehyung. His hand has almost completely healed. Taehyung feels the healing wound grazing the bare skin of his back. "I don't know why."

Tae wonders how much. And if it comes up to a million dollars.

It sounds unbelievable. That amount for such a pure, plain man who cooks his pasta bland and likes to have cinnamon rolls whenever he has the chance to. But when he looks at Jungkook lying beside him, with his soft features, his slender fingers brushing against Tae's skin and his soft breaths ghosting over Taehyung—maybe a million dollars is too little.

"I can't see you tomorrow," Jungkook then tells him. "Stay home."

Jungkook would always advise for him to stay home. He does. Where else would he go aside from his usual routine if he can't meet him? So Taehyung doesn't say anything to that, understood that Kook would disappear without a trace for a period of time like usual.

And maybe it's because he's hired to kill someone again.

There are time Taehyung wonders if his ex had been one of his marks. How it could be the reason Jungkook noticed that he had been following Tae. His ex hadn't been just anyone, anyway. That was why it was hard to break free from the evil man.

But Taehyung doesn't ask. He doesn't want to because he'd like to think Jungkook tells him enough already without him having to ask.

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