He Cares

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I wake up disoriened and scatter brained. Actually my brain felt like ice cream on a hot day. Just, all over the place! It's a struggle to even keep my eyes open, so I let them flutter shut, rolling over to cuddle into my familiar blankets. The feeling of my soft blanket engulfing me makes me smile in my half-sleep state.

"Cake! Cake I think she's awake! YO CAKE!"

"Well, Marshall if you are unsure you shouldn't be yelling!" Cake's voice is a little above a whisper, be that doesn't make theharshness of her voice dissapear. She hissed he word yelling. And it seems to have an effect.

"Er, sorry. Maybe she is still asleep. Her eyes were sort of open but now they're not." Marshall hovers only a few inches off the ground and about a foot away from me. He didn't want to get too close, with Cake standing there watching him closely.

"If you woke that sweet child up I swear Marshall Lee I'm going to kick your butt so you fly all the way to the fire kingdom!" Cake's voice can't help but grow louder with th threat she was making, but Marshall wasn't scared of this little cat that was half his size. He was the vampire king. She was just an adventurer. Marshall's big dark eyes are focused on me, determinded to find out if I really was awake. I just lay there, my eyes closed, arms wraped around my warm, snug self, listening to my two best friends bicker. It get's silent for a moment, and that's when I realize. "Did you hear me, Marshall?" Cake asks just as I sit straight up in my old bed.

"Why are you here? Why am I here? How did this-" I frantically look around my familiar room. Excet not my room. I mean, just Cake's room now. I lived at the palace. So why am I here?!

"Fionna!" Marshall smiles a bit and flies over to sit next to me on my bed. No. My old bed. Did Cake sleep in the bed now instead of the desk drawer? WAIT. I NEED TO FOCUS. My brain still feels like mush, so it's hard to, but I manage for now.

"Marshall, how did I get here?" I ask, on topic now.

"You were acting all funky and sassy, then just passed out. I was going to take you back to your lovely husband-" Marshall rolls his eyes at that. "-but he made me take you back here." Cake explains it all, and my memory comes back to me all at once. I was acting all sassy. Which means that thing, potion or whatever Gumball gave me worked.

"It causes the person who drinks it to completely switch personalities!" Is what Gumball had told me. Boy, was he right. I blew off all my duties, including to report back to him after my meeting! THAT WAS YESTERDAY! He must be so worried about me!

"Did Gumball come by or anything wondering where I was?" I ask, looking at Cake for an answer.

"Nope." Marshall Lee responds. Did I see a hint of a smile on his face? I couldn't tell with my head pounding and brain in this state.

"He must be worried. You should have brought me back to he palace. I have stuff to do now that I'm Queen of the Candy Kingdom." If there had been any sort of smile on that grey face of his it was long gone now.

"Sorry." Marshall hisses. "I was trying to do what's best for you unlike Gumbutt who doesn't give a shit that you've been missing for two and a half days! Sorry for caring!" He stands, not looking at me as he storms down stairs.Two and a half days? TWO AND A HALF DAYS!

"I WAS OUT FOR THAT LONG?" Cake simply nods, looking from the latter to the down stairs and back to me. "I throw my blanket (Cake's blanket? My old blanket?) off of my bod and stand ubruptly. "He must be worried. I have to get back Cake! Can you please take me? Now?"

"Of course, baby. You should say goodbye to Marshall though. He's been waiting for you to wake all that time here."

"Yeah sure." I'm only half listening. Something about Marshall, saying bye, yeah yeah. I rush down the latter, loosing my footing twice and nearly falling until I get to the bottom floor. Marshall seems to be steaming on the couch, arms crossed across this chest. "Bye Marshall! Thanks!" I call out, our eyes only meeting for a second until I turn and make my way down the second latter and out the door, Cake following close beind. As soon as we are outdoors she grows to the size of an elephant, picking me up with a long arm and placing me saftely on her back. She gets me to the Candy Kingdom quickly and stretches a stair case out of her side for me to walk down. Well, run down acually. "Thanks Cake! See you later!" I shout, jogging toward the gate to the kingdom.

"Oh no you didn't." Cake is suddenly in front of me, blocking my path, her normal size again. "You really think you can just walk away from your sister without a hug for a boy?" she raises an eyebrow, smiling a bit. I can't help but smile back at her, wraping my arms around her in a tight hug. I don't rush to end the hug either, I just enjoy it.

"I'm sorry Cake. Gumball gave me a potion the other day when I was acting funny, it make me switch personalities. One of the side effects must have been sleeping for a while and being scatter brained. My head feels lik mush." I explain as she and I both pull out of the hugs.

"Well then I suppose you better get in there and get better! Oh, and Fionna, hun, find a way to visit again? Please?"

"Whatever it takes, I will." I promise, giving her one last smile before dissapearing behind the gates of the Candy Kingdom. As I walk back to the castle everything seems calm. No one panicing over my dissapearace. Just a normal day here. Some peole even greet me while I walk by! Maybe Gumball didn't want anyone to freak out the ctizens, so he kept my dissapearence a secret. I near the palace and let my thoughts run over today. That's when I really process what Cake had said.

 "You should say goodbye to Marshall though. He's been waiting for you to wake all that time here." She had implied that Marshall had been at my bedside for that entie period.

 "I was trying to do what's best for you. Sorry for caring!" Sometimes I thought Marshall Lee didn't really care about anything. He always seemed too cool to care. But there he was, openly saying he cared about me, and I had brushed him off.

"-unlike Gumbutt who doesn't give a shit that you've been missing for two and a half days!"

Adventure Time with Fionna and Gumball? (FioLee)Where stories live. Discover now