"I Will"

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Here it goes. The moment that would change everything. I walk through the Candy Kingdom gates with Cake on my left and Marshall Lee on my right. I wasn't even really sure why Marshall was coming with me. Like I had mentioned before, he hated Gumball and the Candy Kingdom, and Gumball didn't really like him either. But I didn't protest when he didn't leave after our day of visiting various Princes all across Aaa. If he was serious, and this was the last time I would really get to hang out with him I wanted to make it last! I put on a fake smile, entering what will be my new home, the castle of the Candy Kindom. The banana guards seemed a bit hesitant to letting Marshall Lee in, but let it slide, probably because Cake and I were with him. I took a deep breath, walking up the stairs while Marshall floated up and Cake stretched up. Sometimes it sucked being the only normal and boring one. Once we reached Gumball's lab I was really freaking out, nearly having a panic attack on the inside. But no way was I going to show I was weak. I'm a hero. Hero's aren't weak. I repeated that to myself in my head as I opened the door, revealing Gumball, of course, leaning over one of his latest experiments. Seems like that's all he did now a days. He turned to us, hearing the door open and close, and smiled a bit.

"Ah, Fionna! Have you come to tell me your decision?" He greets me, sort of....

"Yeah. That's why I'm here." I force the most not freaking out inside smile I can. It turned out a little too happy, making Cake shoot me a confused look.

"Baby, are you sure this is what you wanna do? It's alright to change your-"

"Yeah Cake. It's fine." I assure her, even though my inner turmoil said differently. "Gumball, I accept your offer. I will. I will marry you" I say confidently, causing Gumball to hug me.

"I knew you would do the right thing for the kingdom." he says, as if I said no the Candy Kingdom would explode or something.

"Yeah..." I say awkwardly hugging him back. It was weird, hugging the guy I had just gotten over. Not to mention marrying the guy I had just gotten over! Just thinking about it was weird. I was going to be Queen Gumball! He finally released me, but held onto my hand, squeezing it tightly.

"Well, being the Queen of the Candy Kingdom and all means that you must have a big wedding and what not with all the candy people there, so how about you get planning that alright? Maybe Peppermint Maid could assist you?" he suggests, releasing my hand and turning back to his various test tubes and sciencey things I didn't know about.

"Wait, you don't want to help?" I ask, standing in the same spot.

"No. I have work to attend to." he says simply, ending the conversation. "The wedding will be in two days. I'll see you then, Fi." I open my mouth to protest, but shut it again. My husband to be wasn't even going to plan anything? Not help me pick a dress? Not look at different tuxs? I felt Marshall grab my arm, pulling me out of the room, but I wasn't budging. I couldn't believe I had agreed to marry him and he was simply going to go through the motions, not really try and have a nice wedding! Didn't he realize that this could be the only one he would ever have? And in 2 days?! That was so soon! Marshall, realizing I wasn't going to walk myself, picking me up, carring me bridal styles out of the room and back down the stairs, following Cake.

"He's such a jerk." I hear Marshall mumble. I didn't think it was something I was suppose to hear, so I didn't really comment on it, even though I would have agreed. Gumball was being....difficult. I didn't even pay attention to where we were going, just let Marshall and Cake take me where ever, which turned out to be back to the tree house. Once they shut the door and set me down on the couch I finally spoke.

"I...I think I made a mistake." I admit. Marshall sits beside be and puts his arm around my shoulder. "Don't even try to say it will be alright, Marshall. I'm going to be Queen Gumball. I don't love him and he doesn't love me. What if he doesn't even try to love me? This is going to me awful!" I cried out, tears threatening to stream down my cheeks. Cake engulfed my in a hug, not saying anything probably because she didn't know what to say. I didn't blame her. I glanced out the window, seeing that it was just starting to get dark. I didn't even care what time it is. I was ready to go to bed and sleep. Sleep through my worries. I could worry about them tomorrow. 2 days.... it was much too soon. "I'm tired." I announce, standing up and making my way over to the ladder.

"No supper?" Cake asked, clearly worried about me. I shook me head, not even looking at her and continued up the ladder. I immediatly laid on the bed after entering the bedroom, not even bothering to change my clothes. The only thing I did was take of my bunny hat before shutting my eyes. My eyes soon opened back up though, feeling Marshall lay beside me.

"What your doing Fi, the sacrifice, is really great. You truly are a hero." he spoke softly, not like he usualy spoke to me. I liked it. I knew deep down that what I was doing was good. One half of me knew that I was giving the Candy Kingdom a queen, what they needed. And I was also helping Gumball by giving him the chance to not marry someone. He was 'too busy' for that apparently. But the other half of me, the selfish half, wanted my life. I wanted to be able to fall in love and go on dates, or even just have guy friends! I was so into my thoughts that I hadn't noticed that I had started crying, and that Marshall was holding me. His arm around my waist was comforting, and they way he let me cry silently into his shoulder made me feel loved. So I fell asleep like that, my head on his shoulder, as he kissed my forehead goodnight.

Authors Note----

Sorry, its really short >_< Promise it will be longer next Monday!!

Adventure Time with Fionna and Gumball? (FioLee)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora