I Think I Might Love You

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-----Cake's P.O.V.-----
I shiver as the chilly snow flakes of the Ice Kingdom shower down onto my fur. This would be so much easier if Fionna were here sitting on my back to keep it a little warmer. Or the extra pair of eyes to peer into the blizzard and find the castle easier. I sigh, wishing I had just dragged her with me against her will. But that wouldn't be the right thing to do, now would it? The cold scares me, not only for my health, but the health of my unborn babies. But I drag my paws forward anyway until I finally see the outline of the Ice Queen's castle. Now I sigh in relief as I get closer and closer to my destination. As I enter the palace of ice I shiver again out of fear. Fionna is usually here to help me kick butt, but right now I'm all alone, and I don't want to get hurt. Wait, I am all alone. As in, I don't think there's anyone in here! But I did just enter, so I should probably look around before jumping to conclusions. My steps echo through the empty place as I search the entire perimeter for any sign of Ice Queen or Gumball. I wasn't that worried before, knowing I have defeated Ice Queen and saved Gumball so many times before, but now I'm worried. Where have they gone??

-----Fionna's P.O.V.-----
The house is quiet, only the humming of Marshall Lee echoing through it softly. I watch him hover over the floor, messing with his bass and humming to me.
"Hurry up and tune that thing, I wanna hear you play." He rolls his eyes and steadies the guitar, ready to play. He strums and hovers around the room until finally settling on the couch next to me, leaning against my side and playing a tune. He doesn't sing, but he continues to hum and it calms me. He puts the guitar down carefully on the floor and lays his head on my lap. I smile down at him and without thinking start to play with his jet black hair. His big eyes look up at me and seem to be expressionless. "What are you thinking about?" I ask curiously.
"Lots of things. What are you thinking about, Fionna."
"Well that doesn't answer my question really. But I'm just thinking about you." This comes out more flirtatiously than I mean for it to, so I blush. He smiles, reaching up to put his hand on my pink cheek.
"What about me?"
"Well, uh, that you are a really great friend. You've helped me through all this and even when it's all seemed to settle down you're still here. And that you're hair is really soft." I giggle, my fingers still tangled in his hair. He laughs at my last comment, and sits up to kiss me on the cheek.
"You are adorable. I seriously don't know how Cake lives with you and doesn't just hug you all day." As he says this his arms wrap around me and pull me into his lap. He hugs me tightly, and I let myself lean back and rest on his chest.
"Stop." I giggle, not really wanting him to.
"I'm serious! You're just so huggable, I could cuddle you all day." With my eyes closed I can picture Cake wrapping her arms around me countless times.
"Honestly, Cake does hug me a lot. But we are family so that's what we do." Saying this makes me want Cake here. Even though having these cute moments with Marshall make my heart beat out of my chest and my smiles bigger than ever before, I want Cake here now. But Cake is out right now alone saving Gumball because of me. I put Gumball and Cake in danger. Oh man, what have I done?
"Fionna? Did you hear me?" Oops, lost in my thoughts I was ignoring Marshall. I stand up and turn to face him.
"I'm sorry, I was thinking about Cake and I think I need to go find her. I...I screwed up, Marshall. I put them both in danger. What kind of a hero am I?" I sigh and look down at the floor. Before I know it Marshall's arms are around my waist again and he's hugging me to his chest.
"You aren't going anywhere. It's dangerous and we don't know where Cake is. So let's just wait until she gets home and talk to her, okay?"
"Mmhmm." I mumble into his chest, knowing I can't argue with him.
"Come on I wanna hear you say 'okay Marshall'." He puts his hand under my chin and lifts it up so I'm looking him in the eyes. I sigh again.
"Okay, Marshall Lee."
"That's better." He pauses. "Did you really not hear what I said a second ago?" I shake my head no and he looks kind of relieved.
"No, but now I'm curious. What did you say?"
"Well if you wanted to know then you should have been listening." He says sarcastically. I try to pull away from him to pout, but his arms are still tight around my waist. "Fine. I said," he takes a deep breath. "I think I might love you, Fionna." He whispers, leaning closer to kiss my cheek again. But hearing him say this overwhelms me, and in an instant I turn my face so that our lips meet. Everything feels right and perfect, not like kissing Gumball at all. If I could stay in his wonderful moment forever I just might. But Marshall pulls away, smiling as wide as I'm smiling.
"I might love you too." I whisper and lean in to peck his lips one more time.
"Fionna?" Cakes voice. Cakes back! Marshall and I turn to look at her confused face, and realize she probably just saw that display of affection. I forcefully pull myself away from Marshall now, and he lets me this time. A smirk spreads across her face. "You two like each other! Well, I'm not quite sure I approve, but I'm glad you're happy. Unfortunately we can't sit around and talk about a budding romance right now though."
"Did you find Gumball?" I ask, stepping closer to her and ignoring the sarcastic 'budding romance' remark. Cake and I can talk about Marshall later. She shakes her head though, the smirk long gone from her face.
"No, he nor the Ice Queen were no where to be found. I was thinking I can probably go back later but for now I need a break." She makes her way over to the couch. As soon as she sits down she shuts her eyes and looks almost as if she is already sleeping.
"Cake, before you go to sleep I need to say I'm sorry." I follow her to the couch and sit on the floor next to it. She forces her eyes open to look at me while I talk. "I shouldn't have put you, your babies, or Gumball in danger. That was really selfish of me and I get that now. I'm a terrible hero."
"No baby! We all make mistakes and act selfishly. I'm just glad you are ready to fix your mistake." She smiles softly at me.
"I am! In fact, I think while you rest I'm going to check on the Candy Kingdom. Their probably in a panic without the Prince there."
"Good idea, and good luck." She pats me on the head and I stand up.
"Thank you! Get a good rest, I'll be back as soon as I can."
"Don't worry about me, just go be a hero." And with that, Marshall and I are out the door.

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