The Wedding

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Honestly, after that night with Marshall Lee I had no time to feel bad for myself, or worried about the future. Peppermint maid and the rest of the servants at the palace had been all over me! Calling me back to the candy kingdom constantly to try on the dress, or ask me silly questions. Not too many questions though. It seemed as though I really had no say in what the wedding would be like, or what my dress would look like. The day of the wedding came too quickly, but still, I was too occupied to really think about it. I stood facing a large full length mirror, in the dress I was about to be married in.

"Ow!" I called out, being stabbed with Peppermint Maid's needle and thread.

"Sorry Ms. Fionna." she sincerly appoligized, and went back to fixing my dress. Being in a rush, she had put me in the dress much too quickly, tearing the dress. But of course that didn't stop her, she didn't even seem mad. She just simply got out the needly and thread she had used to make the dress, and went right to fixing the tear on my side. I stared at my bod in the mirror. I had to admit that she had done an amazing job on the dress. It wasn't tight, but fit me in all the right places making me look really pretty. And of course she insisted that I couldn't wear my bunny hat to my wedding (even though I would very much prefer wearing it) so another candy citizen worked on curling my amazingly long hair. It was nearly finished, and with the long dress (that I was slightly scared I might trip over), and the slight makeup I really did look like a princess, or a soon to be queen. That's when my mind really realized again that I was REALLY going to be a queen. I was going to be married to Gumball. King and Queen Gumball. Part of me didn't want to do this, but then I relaized that the other part of me did. I couldn't count the nights I spent lying awake wishing for this. I had been in love with Gumball since we were children, and now I was marrying him. Maybe this wasn't exactally what I had wanted when I had been in love with him, but who know, maybe this could lead to him actually loving me back. A smile spread across my face that must have been noticable because Peppermint Maid spoke up. "Are you excited my dear?" she smiled back at me through the mirror.

"I...I think so. I'm actually ready for this. I think I-" Before I had time to finish, the doors ehind me came slowly open.

"Excuse me, we are very busy!" Peppermint Maid hissed, and, after making sure her needle was away from my bod, I turned around to see the two figures standing and staring back at me.

"You guys!" I shout, hurrying over to them, against Peppermint Maid's wishes. I stop though, turning to her to appoligise. "I..I'm sorry. Do you think I could just have a few minutes to talk to them?" I plead.

"Your lucky I finished your dress." she says sourly. "The wedding is in an hour and we must finish with your hair, so please do hurry, dear." She puts a smile on her face, her voice a little too sugary sweet.

"Yes! Okay, I mean...thank you." I try to sound more propper, like maybe a queen would, but fail and end up sounding quite stupid. So stupid in fact, that Cake laughed at me.

"Look at you, baby girl. Your gowing up to be quite the queen aren't you?" she chuckles sarcastically. The other figure standing next to her was, of course, Marshall Lee. I watched him look me up and down, then make eye contact with me.

"I guess so. I feel so....fancy. It's weird." I say to answer Cake, but make eye contact with Marshall. I couldn't help but notice the red seemingly brighter than usual in his demon eyes. Yes, I just though demon eyes were pretty, but I didn't care. Without saying a thing Marshall moves in to hug me tightly. I hear Cake gasp, and Peppermint Maid make a dissaproving noise from behind me.

"Please tell that demon child not to crush the ruffles on your dress." she snaps, causing Marshall's head to snap up and glare over at her. "Who even invited you, vampire?" she glares right back at him. Marshall pulls away from me, about to move toward Peppermint Maid, but I grab his wrist, hoping that will stop him.

"Fionna is my friend, and I will be here for her wedding." he hisses back, his red eyes getting dark again. I clear my throat, making him look back toward me. "Fi, you look great." is all he says as I release my grip from his wrist.

"Shmowzow! So do-" I stop, realizing that Shmowzow isn't exactally the most proper, queen like of words. "I mean, Marshall Lee, you look quite dashing on this fine evening." I crack a smile and he just shakes his head. He wore a suit, something I thought I would never see the boy in! Cake also looked elegant, in a baby blue dress with a nice bow to match tied around her head.

"Please, Fi, don't talk all 'elegant'." he made air quotes around the word "elegant". "It doesn't work on you. Be yourself, Fi, please. Don't change." I had a feeling he meant more than just the way I talk, as he took my hands in his.

"Oh, baby! Your growing up so fast!" Cake stretches her arms around Marshall and I, squishing our cheeks together and causing me to blush. "And you look so great in that dress, Fionna!" she squeels, giving one last tight squeeze before letting her arms go back to her own body. I chuckle akwardly, smoothing my dress down and looking down on it. I couldn't get over how fancy I looked! It wasn't me, but it was nice to dress like this for once. Never again, but once.

"Babe-erm...Fi, good luck. We will be watching." Marshall gave me one last hug and kiss on the cheek, before turning to leave. Cake gave me a wave before following him out. I watched two of my best friends leave, preparing for my wedding. As soon as they left the room Peppermint Maid and the others were back around me, fiddling with my dress and hair. Even though I wasn't the one doing the work I already felt exhausted, emotionally and physically.

"15 minutes!" Someone called out. "Everyone is starting to gather in the courtyard!" They squealed in excitement. I forced a smile on my face, hoping that would make me less nervous. That 15 minutes went by in a blink of curling irons, eye liner pencils, and perfume. Before I knew it I was standing behind the double doors about to come out to the entire land of Aaa. I heard music start to play, and that's when my heart started to pound. Peppermint Maid made one last attempt to straighten my vale before the double two banana guards opened the doors. I watched everyone's head turn toward me. Gasps and whispers are heard through out the crowd, and I'm so busy watching that I forget I'm the one who's suppose to be walking down the aisle! I tried to keep a steady pace, walking down the aisle and taking in my surroundings. Everything was pink and white, tablecloths, streamers, everything. I could see Cake, Marshall, Lord Monocromocorn, and BMO in the front row, all with smiles on their faces. Well except Lord, I didn't think I had ever seen him smile. Then my eyes finally drifted to Gumball, standing in front of me a bit of a distance still away. His suit was a pure white, like my dress, but he had a light pink tie. He looked like a prince, which I guess he always should, but more so as of right now. I couldn't believe I was really about to marry him! All the joy from earlier bubbled up inside of me, making me smile a super big smile. Gumball looked confused at first, but then smiled back at me. I finally arived up at the front, and as soon as I did Gumball took my hands in his. I looked down at our hands, and then back up at him. Our eyes met, and he was still smiling that sweet smile (no pun intended). I smiles back at him, flinching a little at the flash of a camara, but I was sure that it was the perfect photo. I felt as though the way he was looking at me said more, like maybe he actually did love me. Maybe even love me as much as I loved him. Well, used to love him, before I sort of got over him. But now I wasn't so sure that I ever got over him. Standing here, about to become his wife I realzied that I was kind of happy! It went by in a blur of pink and white, camara flashes, aww's, and smiles until finally I heard the words I had been standing here for. 

"You may now kiss the bride." Prince Gumball took my hand in his once again, politely inching a little closer to me, but not too close. He was gentle and kind, the way he moved in to kiss me. It was actually nothing like I thought my weeding kiss would be like. It was a short peck on the lips, but the first kiss Gumball and I had ever shared. The kiss I had been wanting for years, and that in itself made it amazingly special in my mind.

Adventure Time with Fionna and Gumball? (FioLee)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat