Just a Queen

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Now within the castle walls and away from all the eyes of the candy kingdom I watch Pri-erm, I mean, my husband walk down the corridor in front of me. He walks with purpose, like a king should I suppose. I gnaw on my bottom lip and decide to go ahead and go for it. I walk a bit faster, matching his pace so I can quickly slide my hand into his. As soon as I do though, he stops walking and turns to face me.

"Fionna....what are you doing?" he asks in an appalled voice before pulling his hand away with aggressive force. I respond in a very confused voice.

"Um, holding my husband's hand?" This made his expression soften a little.

"Oh, oh my...I thought I made this clear when we were engaged. Fi, I just want to give my kingdom a queen. I...I don't want...this." He nods his head toward my hand, and my heart sinks. There is an awkward pause, as I'm speechless and he waits for me to speak. "I'm going to head off to my laboratory now. Make yourself comfortable. My castle is literally your castle now." He laughs a little, trying to break the tension. I don't laugh. "Um, yeah, see ya." he scratches the back of his neck before leaving in a rush. I stand there for who knows how long. Minutes? Hours? Okay, I'm probably overreacting now, but it feels like a while! Finally I take a deep breath and turn back toward the right way, walking back down the corridor, except this time alone. Good thing I had spent a lot of time around the castle (because I had a huge crush on Gumball and stalked him a little) because I know right where everything is. I navigate my way around to his, and now my, bedroom, slamming the door behind me. The first thing I do is get out of this uncomfortable wedding dress, even though the first thing I would like to do it burst into tears and feel sorry for myself. Finding all my belongings in the dresser drawers I hop into pajamas. After taking off the heap of makeup they insisted on putting on me I finally cuddle into the bed sheets. Gumball's scent lingered on them, making tears well up in my eyes. Sure, when he proposed to me it was all business, but after the kiss I felt like this was my big chance. Finally I could get Gumball to see that I wasn't too young for him! That I'm the perfect wife! He could really get to know and love me. But earlier, in the hall, he seemed so set on pushing me away. I roll onto my side, thinking this all over in my mind. I guess it is a bit silly of me to think that after one kiss he would change his mind. I need to give it a few days. I need to show him I'm the perfect match for him! Tomorrow will be the start of the plan. I guarantee I will have him seeing that he loves me in a week! With this knowledge of my plan I smile and shut my eyes, drifting off in my new bed.

When I awaken I expect Gumball to be beside me, maybe even cuddled into me!! But the bed is empty. Sitting up and looking around there isn't even a trace that he ever entered his room last night! It would be just like him to spend the entire night in his lab though. I sigh, pushing the many blankets aside and getting up to rummage through my clothes. What my plan was to wear what I always wear, the signature blue skirt, shirt, and bunny hat, but according to the note on the dresser "None of those things are Queen like" and I had to wear the blue dress propped up on the chair. I let out an annoyed sigh, but thought about it a little. I guess this could be a plus. A dress could make me look good, which could make Gumball notice me and realize I'm amazing. Well, maybe it would take a little more than just a dress, but the dress could help! So, even though I don't really want to wear it, I do put it on. But I wear my bunny hat with it any way. With blue flats to match I head out toward the lab to greet Gumball. I wondered what it was that had kept him up all night (and away from me) all night anyway.

"Fionna! You're awake! Good! There is much to do today. You have quite a few meetings and-" Peppermint Maid held a long list in her hands, eyes scanning down it, ready to read all the things out loud to me.

"Erm, okay. Fine. But can I please go see Prince Gumball first?" I plead, smiling only a little. As soon as I mention my husband though she gets this giant smile.

"Oh! Oh, of course dear!" she giggles and I start to blush. "Just don't take toooooo long." she winks.

"N-no! It's not....I just wanted to know-"

"You don't have to explain your cute little romance to me. Go on now!" she pushes me toward the lab door, only making me blush more. I give up on trying to explain that this wasn't some cute romance matter I was seeing him for and enter the lab. Gumball seems oblivious to the fact that I just entered his lab, as usual. His back to me, he hunches over something on the table in front of him.

"Gumball?" I speak up, instantly regretting it. I hear a shatter before he turns to face me. You could see the anger on his face.

"Fionna! What are you doing here? I've been working all night on that and now it's on the floor!" he groans, watching it bubble on the floor.

"I'm sorry! I was actually wondering what was keeping you up all night. Aren't you tired?" he shakes his head, but his pink gum hair doesn't move an inch. "Oh. Well, what were you working on?" I step closer, watching him quickly clean up the substance off the tile floor. He perks up at me asking about his experiments, which is just what I wanted.

"It's quite interesting really! Who would have guessed that combining all these ingredients at this temperature and just a few other short steps could make such a substance!" I furrow my brow, really having no idea what he was talking about. How could they have been short steps if they had taken him all night? "This-" he takes a vial from the table and holds it up dramatically. "-is what I call an opposite potion. It causes the person who drinks it to completely switch personalities! Isn't that truly amazing?" he stares at the vial as if it's his child, his big admiring eyes staring into the green bubbly thing.

"Magnificent!" I say in a mystified voice, staring at it myself. I'm not exactly sure what Gumball would need that sort of potion for, but it's pretty cool anyway.

"Very. Good thing I had two vials of it, and not just the one I dropped." I go to apologize but he shakes his head. "Really Fi, it's fine. Although, if you did want to make it up to me, you could help me test this out." I smile wide. This is the perfect opportunity to get on his good side, and on the road to liking me!

"Of course I will!" I say excitedly, making him smile.

"Great! Here, just a drop will do." I open my mouth and he drops a small amount of the green liquid onto my tongue. It doesn't really have a taste, and it's easy to swallow down. I shrug.

"I don't feel any different. But I have to get to some meeting Peppermint Maid told me about. I'm kind of excited!" Gumball nods, smiling a strange smile.

"Right then. As soon as the meetings are over report back here alright?" I nod, hurrying out the door. I didn't want to miss the important meetings!

Adventure Time with Fionna and Gumball? (FioLee)Where stories live. Discover now