Perfect Place to Hide a Prince

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The forest gives me the creeps. I absolutely hate going in here alone. Usually Cake is by my side so it's no big deal, but today I'm all alone and after running around its starting to get dark. But I can feel that I'm close to figuring out where Gumball is. I pause and look around for a second until I see what I'm looking for. A bright light over to the right. Now that's I've found it I can't control my excitement. I break into a run toward the light and as I get closer I can start to makes out more shapes of objects. A tent, the lantern, some wood, and cans of food all become visible as I walk into the camp. Well, to be more specific, Lumpy Space Prince's hobo camp.
"Oh Glob, move! Yeah that's right, get out!" I jump at the sound of his loud boom of a voice. He comes scrambling out of his tent, chasing some rats out.
"Erm- hey, can I-"
"GET OUT! STOP TAKING MY LUNCH!" Ugh, if he could stop screaming for 2 seconds that would be great.
"Excuse me, I-" I'm again interrupted by just random screaming. I'm pretty sure the rats will be frightened by high pitched voice cracked screams, so at least that's working.
"LSP HEY!" I'm forced to raise my voice, and his screams stop. He turns to face me with a super angry expression on his face; but then he sees me and his expression softens.
"Oh, Fionna? I wasn't expecting guests its kind of rude to drop by unexpected."
"What was I suppose to do? Call?" I ask sarcastically. Living in a hobo camp doesn't have many perks. Or any perks in my opinion. But I guess to LSP he would rather live like this than with his 'terrible parents'.
"Oh. Yeah. Well, I don't have food so you'll just have to starve." He crosses his arms, sassy as usual.
"I didn't come for food, I actually came to ask for a huge favor."
"Well what's in it for me?" I pause and think for a second. Of course he would want something in return, I should have thought about this. Well, the way to a persons heart is through their stomach...
"Ill cook you dinner all month and you can even sleep in my house if you want." I offer, knowing that what I need him to do is going to take some persuasion.
"Geeze, that's a good deal. I'll take it. What am I doing?" I breathe a sigh of relief.
"Well, the first step is getting me into Lumpy Space."
"First step? There's more than just that?" I nod, and he pouts, but I ignore his pouts and continue on.
"The second step is showing me all the most secret spots around. And we'll get to the final steps when it's time. But I need you to stay with me for a while; until I find what I'm looking for. Got it?"
"Yeaaahh." He groans the response. I smile triumphantly and he begins to pick up the campsite a little.
"If I'm gonna be floating around all day with you I'm gonna need some supplies." He mutters, picking up a huge backpack. I instantly shake my head.
"No, we don't have time for that LSP! Come on, let's just go." He glares at me, not liking being told what to do. I guess that's why he doesn't live at home anymore. "The sooner we get going the sooner we will be finished, right?"


"Lumpy Space gives me the creeps. How could you be comfortable in a place like this? If I were to fall out of this car right now I would just plummet to who knows where??"
"You get used to the thought, I don't know. Don't insult my kingdom, Fionna." Sassy as usual, LSP drives us across the gaps of Lumpy Space and I look down at the abyss of nothing below us. Freaky. But that's why it is the perfect place to hide a Prince. Ice Queen has the ability to fly, so these gaps in land are no problem for her. She can just fly from one land thing to the next. Gumball on the other hand would be stuck on one, unable to get off of it unless someone gave him a ride in a car or he was daring enough to try and jump from one to the next. And there's no way he would be that daring. Honestly, I'm surprised even I was daring enough to do it. But when I did it Cake's life was in jeopardy. That's a bit of a different situation. I did NOT want her lumpy forever. Long story. Anyways, Gumball has to be stuck on one of these land pieces somewhere. Probably one out of the way where no one visits so that he wouldn't be saved. If it was out of the way he wouldn't even have the option of jumping from one to the next. Even better for Ice Queen. "I used to come here with-" he pauses to scoff. "Britney; my ex-girlfriend. My parents would never find this spot. They'd always catch us at Make Out Point." I cringe at the thought of LSP 'making out' with anyone.
"Great." I say a bit sarcastically as we pull up to a little spot of land. But there's no way they are here. Despite LSP not being caught here, it's a pretty obvious spot. It's near other land forms and buildings and pretty open. "I don't think this is it. I'm talking more empty. Like, way out of the way. Where one might hide something. Maybe someone."
"What the lump are you looking for? Eh forget it. If I were to hide a person here I'd do it down there." He gestures below us at the abyss of nothingness and I shiver.
"You'd throw them down there?!" I do want to save Gumball, but I'm not down for jumping out of this car to do so.
"No!" He rolls his eyes at my idiocy. "Not many people know that there's old buildings down there, below the rest of the city. No ones willing to go closer to the abyss than they have to, so no one goes below the city."
"Then let's do it!" I cheer, fighting off the slight terror of going down there.
"Hold on." He commands, and steers the car crazily downward. I grip the edge of the seat cushions with great force, hoping I don't break them. As we go down more land becomes visible. Just like he had said, there were broken down old looking buildings. Not too many; just 3 buildings and 5 land pieces. This is the perfect place to hide him! Even if he could jump to a different one it wouldn't help. No one would ever see him. He has to be here! But where to start? I peer out at the buildings, looking for any sign of candy or Ice. Oh course Ice Queen isn't smart enough to make sure she didn't leave a trace. Little icicles hang from the roof of one of the buildings.
"That one!" I call out, pointing to it. LSP listens, steering toward the cold looking building. He parks right next the the building and I launch myself out of the car and straight into the building. "Oh! You can just wait there for a second, okay?" I pop my head back out and speak to LSP.
"Sure, fine." He mutters impatiently, and I continue into the building. It wasn't just cold looking, it was actually freezing in here! The further in I went the colder it got which confirmed my suspicions even more. I crept forward until finally I was in a wide open room. In the corner a freezing Prince Gumball sat curled up with his head facing down. As soon as I see him I want to run to him, but at the same time I don't. A little part of me still selfishly wants him to be lost here forever. But I'm a hero. So I walk toward him and sit beside him, clearing my throat to make him look up at me.
"Hi." I say casually, giving a smile. "Need some help?" He forces a smile and tries to stand up, but is shivering so bad it's hard for him. "Oh, here." I stand quickly and assist him, putting my arm around his waist to support him. Without question he moves his arm around my shoulders. I can feel his freezing skin hitting the back of my neck, so I hurry and start to waddle out of the building with him.
"F-Fionna, why did you h-help me?" He asks, struggling to stop the shivering. "You s-should hate me."
"Even if I do hate you, I'm a hero. I have to save you. It's my job."
"So you do? Hate me then?" I think for a second about this question. Do I hate him? When I let Ice Queen kidnap him did I hate him then? When he told the Kingdom all those lies did I hate him then?
"I-" Just as I have my thoughts payed out I hear the calling of the Ice Queen.
"Gummy! I'm baaack!" She sings. I instantly panic, pulling Gumball up into my arms and sprinting right out of the building. Thankfully Ice Queen flew into the room directly through a window, so we don't run into her in our exit. I jump in LSP's car and shout at him to drive. With a groan he obeys and the car soars off into safety.

Adventure Time with Fionna and Gumball? (FioLee)Where stories live. Discover now