Not Meant To Be

434 16 7

Marshall Lee, one of my best friends, sitting right in front of me with an blank expression. The only thing between us was the cold bars of the dungeon, keeping us apart.
"May we please have a moment alone?" I turn to ask the banana guards. They give me a bit of a hesitant look.
"Uhh, Prince Gumball said we should monitor him closely."
"I'll monitor him. While I'm here he won't do anything reckless. And if anything happens I'll take full blame." The two nod and make their way toward the exit. Thank goodness. Once the door is securely shut I sit in the concrete floor outside Marshall's cell. He sits on the floor as well directly across from me. "Why did you agree to this?" I ask simply.
"You're my friend and I want you to be happy." He answers just as simply.
"You're my friend too, and you can't be happy sitting here!"
"Fiona dear, I'm a thousand years old. I've been through worse. You need to enjoy your life with your...husband." He cringes, and I can tell the thought of Gumball as my husband still makes him uneasy.
"Right." I sigh, getting ready to talk to him about what I REALLY wanted to talk about. "Marshall, have you ever been in love?" His eyes widen and he looks at me in confusion.
"I...I don't know." This is one of the first times I've heard Marshall talk like he was embarrassed.
"Well, have you ever kissed someone that you didn't love? And it just felt....weird. Unnatural." He nods. "Well, last night Gumball and I had a really nice movie night and we kissed." Marshall sits up a little, paying extra close attention. "And it felt like that. Weird. Awkward. Kinda gross. And I- why are you smiling?"
"Oh no reason. Just always knew Gumball would be a terrible kisser. And husband. And ruler. And-"
"Okay okay, enough." I chuckle a little, which makes him smile a little wider.
"So now you know you don't love Gumball?" He asks. I have to stop and think for a moment. I made time to come down here and tell him this, talk it over with him, and I don't even know what for. Does this mean I don't love Gumball? Or does this mean I have to get used to him? What do I do now?
"I... I don't know. I think maybe." I admit.
"You have to know, Fi. REALLY think about it. After all this crap we've gone through can you love that Gum-fuck." I'm now used to the dumb names Marshall comes up with for Gumball so I'm not surprised and let it go. "Maybe as a friend you still like him, because you like almost everyone that way. Hell, I'm a demonic creature of the night and you are still friends with me. So a pink wad of gum is always going to be your friend. But do you love him? Does that sound right to you, Fiona and Gumball?"
"No." As soon as he says our names together I could feel it in my heart. That wasn't right. "He's been my friend for so long. I've always wanted things to end up this way but, I just don't think this is meant to be." I'm saying this more to admit it to myself. Gumball isn't the one for me. We shouldn't be married or date or kiss. It isn't working. "But it's just like before, there isn't any way out of it. It's my duty." Marshall shakes his head.
"Nope, because this time I know for a fact he doesn't love you either." I sit up straighter.
"What do you mean?"
"He admitted to me that me was using you." This makes me happy because we now have proof, but this also breaks my heart a little. The part of my heart that has that crush on Gumball. But that part of my heart has to go. It has to break. "He didn't want you to know, because he's your friend and cares about your feelings. So that's why we made this deal. I sit and rot in this dumb cell and he tries his best to make you happy and be a proper husband to you."
"Why would you agree to that? Let him lie to me like that!" I shout, but he shushes me. Right, the banana guards were probably just outside the door.
"I thought you loved him. And I want you happy too, Fiona. So if Gumball lying to you was going to make your life a happy one then it would have been worth it." When he puts it like that I can't be mad at him. But I can be mad at Gumball.
"He was going to lie to me all my life." I mutter under my breath, upset and angry. Marshall just nods. I sit there for a second more, trying to come up with a plan of action. So what now? If I was smart I would take time to think up a plan of action like Marshall and I had before. But right now my emotions had the best of me. I let the anger surge through me, taking control as I jump up off the floor and move fraught toward the exit doors.
"Fiona? Where are you going? Fi??" I hear Marshall calling after me, but my mind is focused on one person right now. I climb up into the main level of the castle and hurry through the building until I come to Gumball's laboratory door. I whip it open and he immediately turns to face me.
"Fiona, dear! Just in time!" He sets down the bottle that had been in his hand and walks toward me immediately. Suddenly I'm more important than his lab work, a sure sign that Marshall was telling the truth. He was trying way too hard to be the proper husband. It's too good to be true. He kisses my cheeks and takes my hand, pulling me further into his lab. "I've just made this discovery I'm super excited about! It could help a lot of people!" It was hard not to let myself fall for his fake-ness. It was so sweet. I kept mentally reminding myself that this wasn't real.
"Not now, I have something I want to say."
"Oh, of course. Sorry. Go ahead, Hun." I clear my throat, letting the anger take control again.
"You were using me." I pause dramatically, letting that sink in.
"I already told you I wasn't-"
"I know for sure now. You and Marshall made a deal. You don't love me."
"Fiona you have to listen, I-"
"No, it's okay Gumball. I don't love you either. I know, you both were trying to make me happy, but your love isn't what I want anymore. And I definitely don't want your fake love. So I want out of this marriage or deal or whatever you want to call this." I cross my arms across my chest and he just stares at me, wide eyed. "Maybe one day you can find someone you really love, or maybe someone who is willing to be your wife for a job. But I can't be either of those people." He takes a deep breath and nods.
"I never thought that this would happen." He admitted. "I knew you would find out you were being used, but this is just strange. You've always loved me." I shrug.
"I guess I didn't know what being married to you was like until it happened." I say, but then realize that sounded rude. "Not that you're terrible or I hate you! I still want to be your friend Gumball, I really do! I hope we can still be on good terms after know...get divorced or whatever." Gumball gives me a warm smile and nods.
"Of course. Can we give this a few days though? So I can come up with how we'll do this?"
"Right, yeah, of course. Just uh, let me know?"
"Alright." I stand there awkwardly until. Decide to simply turn and leave the room. when the door is shut behind me I realize how well that went! This was going to work out! I was going to get my old life back!

Adventure Time with Fionna and Gumball? (FioLee)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat