Making Up

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I wake up breathing in the same smells as the past three days. The smell of a boys room shouldn't be a pleasant smell, but to me it is. The feeling of Marshall storing under me should be disturbing to my sleep, but it makes me happy to awaken to him waking up too.
"Have you gotten tired of me yet?" He asks in a groggy morning voice. I giggle, and shake my head gently.
"Nah, not yet. Ask again tomorrow."
"Tomorrow huh? You don't think Cake misses you yet?" He asks, pulling me a little closer to him.
"Well, if she wanted she would come and get me, right?" I hadn't thought much about Cake in the past couple of days, but now that I'm thinking about it I didn't even tell her I was at Marshall's. She could be worried about me at home. She could think I'm at the Candy Kingdom with Gumball again! Marshall just shrugs. "Maybe we should go see her today then. Make sure she knows where I am and is doing alright. And Gumball too! He seemed kinda weird when he got back. We should make sure he's back to running the kingdom." I sit up and he follows my actions.
"Ugh, why Gumbutt? He was just depressed because I run kingdoms better than he does. It only makes sense because I was a born ruler and he made himself a ruler." Marshall crosses his arms.
"You know I don't like talking about your dumb junk you got with him. Just drop it. We're going." I say and slip out of bed. Marshall had gone and gotten me pajamas and new clothes each night before bed so I didn't have to go home, and gotten food and kept me entertained. I kind of liked being with him more then being at home! Plus the kisses were kinda nice...okay really nice. I make my way to the bathroom where my morning clothes wait for me and shut the door to get changed. Once my clothes are on I slip my bunny hat over my hair and am ready for the day! Marshall doesn't seem as eager to start the day though. When I exit the bathroom he is still laying face down on the bed, looking to have no intention to move anywhere anytime soon. I sigh and start to rummage through his closet. I was surprised it was still organized from when I cleaned it last! I easily find a plaid shirt and jeans and toss them across the room onto the bed. He moves his head to look at the clothes, then up to me. I nod, signaling that yes he does have to get dressed and ready. He takes the signal, groaning while getting up to change. I smile wide in satisfaction as he goes to change.
When we got there, the Candy Kingdom was running as normal when we got there. All the citizens are working and chatting happily, a few pausing to wave at me and Marshall. I guess having Marshall as their leader made them a little less scared of him! We make our way up to the Candy Castle and are greeted by banana guards, but when Peppermint Butler walks by he doesn't even glance our way. He hurries off in a hurry, but I manage to catch his attention.
"Oh, wait up! Is the prince free right now?" I ask, trying to match my pace with his quick little legs. He stops and looks up toward me.
"Prince Gumball hasn't come out of his room since he got back Im afraid. I've been doing so much of his work, I can't handle it! I don't know how he does all this I-"
"Wait, what do you mean? What's wrong with him?" I interrupt. Peppermint Butler just shrugs.
"You can try and see him if you want, I'm too busy to stop you." And with that Peppermint Butler is gone, off to do Princley duties I guess. If Prince Gumball is trying to pin his duties on Peppermint Butler instead of me now he's going to get it. Marshall doesn't say anything, just loyally follows as I hurry up the steps toward the room I had become extremely familiar with. I knock on the bedroom door and wait for a reply, but none comes. I knock again. Nothing. I turn the handle but it doesn't budge. Ugh.
"Gumball? It's me, are you in there?" I press my ear to the door, listening for a responce, a cough, a sniffle, maybe some breathing; anything to confirm that he was in there.
"Fiona?" A faint voice answers.
"Yes, open the door! What are you doing in there?!" Anger starts to take over, thinking about him marrying me just so he could make me do all Thais things. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, especially not Peppermint Butler! I don't get a response now, but an idea pops into my head. I reach up and tug a bobby pin out of my hair. Little strands of my blonde hair fall over my face, but I don't mind. I kneel down and start to pick the lock. I hear Marshall chuckle behind me.
"Wow Fi, you're such a rebel, I've rubbed off on you." I roll my eyes. This was to help my friend and find out what was wrong, not a bad rebellious act. I hear the click of the door unlocking and push the door open.
"What the nuts, dude?" I blurt. Gumball is laying in bed, covers over half of his face as if he's hiding from me.
"Fiona, I can explain." I says calmly, but the blankets over his mouth make his voice muffled.
"You don't need to. I've seen this before! You did the same thing to me, passing your responsibilities on someone else because you want to...what? Relax in bed this time?" I start to rage and he sits up.
"No, no, it's not like that!" He shakes his head. His voice sounds a little hurt that's I accused him. "I'm just...depressed. I can't run a kingdom like this. I clearly don't even need to run the kingdom." He grumbles.
"What do you mean?" Gumball sighs.
"When I came back to the kingdom I expected panic. I made these candy people, I know that they go crazy without me, a solid leader to guide them. I thought I knew everything about them and that they needed me, but I guess not. Marshall Lee was leading them just as fine as I could have." Was he complimenting Marshall?? "They don't need me. But that's not even all of it! Fiona, you have to save me every time I'm in trouble. You swoop in and suddenly the Ice Queen doesn't seem like a big threat. Why can't I save myself from her? Why can't I be strong like that?" I can see tears start to form in his eyes, and I pray they don't fall. I can't handle seeing him cry. I have to be strong. "And then the way I treated you started to get to me. I treated you like a...a...pile of boogers! Why did you take that treatment for so long? I'm such a terrible person, I'm sorry!" I smile and sit next to him on the bed.
"It's okay Gumball, I already forgive you. And you aren't a terrible person! I'm not always strong. Like when I failed at running this lingdom. I felt like I wasn't a good enough hero. I felt like I wasn't good enough for you." I say that last part quietly, but I know he can hear sitting right next to me. He smiles, and puts his arm around my shoulder, in a friendly way.
"I would have never thought you felt that way, Fiona. I'm sorry for making you feel that. I really did want what was best for my people, but I also wanted to work in my lab. It's two of my passions that I couldn't choose between or balance together. I thought tricking you into doing one would solve the problem. And, I mean, it did for me, but I didn't really think about how it would impact you. I'm sorry, I really am." We both smile at each other, and I hug him.
"I forgive you." I mumble against his shoulder. "But you better tell everyone that you lied." I say when we pull apart. He sighs.
"I know. I will. I just have to figure out how. Glob, why did I say those terrible things about you?" He runs his fingers through his messy bed head hair.
"Don't worry, we can come up with a way. Together." I smile encouragingly at him, and he smiles back. Things are looking up, for both of us.

Adventure Time with Fionna and Gumball? (FioLee)Where stories live. Discover now