Chapter 7.

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The music was thumping in Niall's ears and the blood rushed through his body, along with the alcohol. First night out clubbing since the accident, and sure; Niall liked to party. At least he used to like it. Zayn and Louis were already occupied with chatting up some girls and Harry was doing some embarrassing dance in the middle of the dance floor. Niall would usually use this time to dance his ass off and get drunker by the minute. Now, on the other hand, he was still sipping on his second beer of the night. Around this time he was usually on his fourth or fifth, but something's changed. He didn't feel like drinking and waking up with a hangover that would destroy the rest of his weekend.

He felt boring. He couldn't take jokes anymore and now he didn't want to party? He suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around, expecting to see a drunken chick with too much makeup, begging for a dance. That wasn't what met his eyes though.

"Hello Niall!" A happy and drunk Ed screeched at him.

"Hey Ed, how’s your dad?" He asked while eyed the black haired girl that were standing with Ed’s arm around her; Niall was pretty sure she was the same bartender who had served him his first beer.

"He’s good. What about you? Are you okay, mate?" Ed asked and Niall nodded.

"Is Liam with you?" He asked Ed and glanced around the bar to try to spot the brunette.

"No, he's not" Ed said as if it was obvious. "I'm actually surprised to see you here"

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is Liam gets disappointed in me when I get drunk. He doesn't say anything, but I notice... So, what I was curious about is why he's okay with you drinking"

"I drink if I want to" Niall said and took a big gulp of his beer to prove his point.

"Niall, being in a relationship means that you are willing to make sacrifices" Ed said, suddenly very serious.

"Relationship?" Niall asked and connected the dots. "Oh no, you got this wrong. Liam and I aren't in a relationship!" Niall was happy that it was dark inside of the club so that Ed couldn't see his flushed face.

"Oh!" Ed looked almost as embarrassed as Niall felt. "I'm sorry, it's just that... Never mind"


"It's nothing!" Ed assured him.

"No, tell me!"

"Forget it!" Ed spun his girl around and started to lead her into the crowd; with him just behind.

"Ed, wait!" Niall yelled after him, but the pair was already swallowed by the human ocean on the dance floor. He sighed and took another swig of his beer, but as soon as he closed his eyes he could see Liam's deep brown eyes flash before his retina. He felt guilt creeping into his stomach and rolled his eyes at himself. Was he seriously feeling guilty for drinking without Liam’s permission? He didn’t have any responsibility to live by Liam’s wishes!

Niall took another sip of his beer and tried to enjoy the taste of the alcohol. He suddenly realized that he was practically forcing himself to drink! With a groan he started to make his way out of the club and pushed his beer into the hand of a random dude he passed by.

“Um, thanks?” The dude asked and Niall waved his hand behind him before he finally made it out into the freezing November night. He took a deep breath and enjoyed the clear air that sobered him up slightly. He pulled out his phone and didn’t think twice before he called Liam.

“Hey Niall, what’s up?” Liam answered almost immediately.

“I’m at a club” Niall said and was a bit surprised by his own bluntness, but whatever floats his boat…

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