Chapter 13.

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“And I won’t be back until tomorrow, just so you know” Niall said as he was putting on his shoes.

“Oh, are you getting lucky tonight?” Harry asked and winked suggestively, causing Niall to blush.

He hadn’t told his friends that he and Liam were taking it pretty slowly with the physical affection, even if they had dated for a little more than a month. It had been the happiest month in his life; not only did he have the most wonderful boyfriend is the world, but he had also had a re-connection with his friends as well as becoming great friends with Liam’s best friends Ed and Andy. Andy, who had pretended to be clueless about Liam’s love for Niall when he had called Niall in Ireland, when he really had known all along.

Another thing that brought this month to the top was that Niall’s hair had stopped falling off and he wasn’t stressed out, it was almost scary that his life was so good and that he was so happy. He was secretly just waiting for something to go wrong, which made him slightly anxious, but he tried to not think about it.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when the doorbell rang unexpectedly. Niall looked at Harry, who shrugged.

“Maybe it’s Zayn and Louis who forgot the key or something” Harry suggested, since Zayn and Louis had went shopping.

“We don’t lock the door when we’re home” Niall reminded Harry with a roll of his eyes as he walked up to the door and opened it. He came face to face with a big cat.

“Ed? Is that you, mate?” Niall asked and the ginger-haired top of a head peeked up behind Sufjan that Ed was holding up in eye level.

“I need a favour” He announced and Niall sighed.

“I would love to help you out, but-“

“Please, Niall. I wouldn’t bother you unless I was desperate. I asked Liam first, but he was busy” Ed pleaded.

“Who do you think he’s busy with?” Niall asked with a raised eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Oh! Well, shit” Ed said as he realised what Niall was saying. “My girlfriend and I were going to visit her parents and they are allergic to cats, but okay…”

“I could watch him if you want” Harry offered and both Niall’s and Ed’s eyes snapped to him.

“Really? Thanks, man” Ed smiled and shuffled inside.

“I’m Harry” Harry reached out his hand and Ed balanced Sufjan on his hip to be able to use one of his hands to shake it.

“I’m Ed”

“May I?” Harry asked and stretched out his arms.

“Of course. He’s pretty heavy though” Ed dumped Sufjan in Harry’s arms and he almost dropped him.

“You weren’t kidding” Harry chuckled and took a steadier grip around the cat. “What’s his name?”

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