Chapter 5.

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Truthfully, Niall had expected his friends to ask about his vitamins earlier, but it took almost two weeks before they mentioned it. It was one of those rare Saturdays when they all ate breakfast together.

“Wha ish da?” Zayn asked with his mouth full of cereal and milk.

“Huh?” Niall raised an eyebrow and stared at the boy in front of him. Zayn swallowed loudly before he asked again.

“What is that?” He pointed at the can of pills that Niall was currently taking a pill out of.

“It’s vitamins” Niall said casually and put the pill in his mouth. He chewed and made eye contact with Zayn (he didn’t exactly know why, but he felt cocky today). Zayn reached over the table and took the can of pills to examine it. It didn’t take long for him to start chuckling.

“Whoever gave you this screwed you over” he said to Niall. “It says it’s for children” Zayn explained further when he got no reaction out of the blonde boy.

“I know, but they are good for me anyway” Niall shrugged and stuffed his mouth with some cereal.

“Why do you take them?” Louis asked.

“My hair falls off” he sighed and it was quiet for a while.

“Your pubic hair too?” Harry smirked and Louis laughed and gave him a high-five.

“No” Niall finished his meal and stood up.

“Oh, that’s right,” Harry continued, “it’s was a damn jungle down there!” Louis laughed harder at Harry’s joke.

“Shut up, you don’t know anything about that” Niall muttered.

“Sure I do, or have you forgotten who had to shower you when you had barfed all over yourself?”

It was true; when Niall had fallen down the stairs he had no power to wash up after throwing up all over himself. Harry had kindly offered him help, but Niall would never have agreed if he had known that Harry would use it against him later.

“You showered him?” Zayn asked in disbelief, laugh dancing in his eyes.

“I sure did” Harry leant back in his chair. “I had to bring a chair into the shower; the fucker couldn’t even stand up by himself” Niall’s three ‘best friends’ all laughed loudly.

“You’re a jackass!” Niall said to Harry before he went to the bathroom. There he took his phone out of his pocket and dialed a now well-known number.

“Hello?” Liam answered.

“Hi, Liam, it’s Niall”

“Hey mate, what’s up?” Liam actually sounded happy and Niall hoped that the happiness was caused by his phone call.

“Not much… uh, are you busy?”

“Both yes and no; I’m babysitting my friend Andy’s dog, but I was going to take him out for a walk if you want to join me?”

“I’d love to!”

“Great! Meet me outside of your school in fifteen minutes?”

Fifteen minutes later Niall was standing outside of his school, a small smile paying on his lips. He looked around the busy London street and it didn’t take long until he spotted Liam with a big Golden Retriever by his side.

“Hi” Niall said as soon as Liam was close enough to hear him.

“Niall, I want you to meet Gunther” Liam said and patted the dog’s head. Niall crouched down and caressed the dog’s head, scratching behind its ears.

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