"Don't move," Tails warned, before turning to the other occupant in the room, who was leaning casually against the door.

"Keep an eye on him, will you, Shadow? I don't want him sneaking off somewhere while I cook." The latter hummed in agreement, causing Tails to smile before going over to the fridge to see what they had.

I watched, pouting. They were treating me like I was a child! This was so unfair! I didn't like how they talked over me, either, as if I wasn't there.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't know Shadow had moved and had pulled out a chair. I looked over to him, wondering what was going through his head. After the emotional display yesterday, it was as if he had closed up again. I hated it. Was he going back on his word?

"Sonic," he started with a sigh. His ears were lowered and he looked uncomfortable. "I think we need to talk... about what happened last night."

When Shadow brought it up, I knew, without a doubt, that yesterday wasn't a dream. The realisation that he trusted me enough to show me a side of him that only Rouge has seen touched my heart and made me giddy. Finally, I was getting through to him!

I learned how hard it is, for him to open up to others especially when it came to his heart, he has been through so much just like I have, if not more.

I wanted to be there for him, but I was still uncertain if he was just trying to make me feel better or if he really cared for me. I know he isn't a Liar, and he always keeps his promises, so I'm trusting him with my heart, like he trusts me with his.

"Shadow," I started, putting my hand over his. He looked up. "You can tell me anything. I promise to help you in any way I can."

What was so important that he would be so reluctant to mention? I thought.

"Under paragraph 16, section B of my contract with GUN, I am prohibited to form close bonds with anyone other than Rouge and Omega without the Commander's expressed permission. Violation of this rule can restrict me of my freedom to roam or sentence me up to five years in the cryogenic chamber. Rouge is currently responsible for me, and will be also punished should I breach any boundaries within my contract."

As he said this, my heart dropped. I began to panic. "But…! That's so unfair! He can't take away your freedom; you have every right to be free to make your own choices!" I was outraged. How could someone do this to another person? It was inhuman. I shook my head in disbelief. Shadow didn't deserve this… He has saved this world multiple times! Surely that would count he wouldn't go back to how he was before.

Suddenly a thought struck me, that made me feel sick. "What... What about us..." I paused in my steps (When did I get up and start pacing?) and looked at him. He was looking away, avoiding my gaze.

I could feel myself shaking with emotion… I just finally got with him, and now it's forbidden? Why couldn't people just leave us alone to live in peace? Tears started to gather in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. I was sick of being sad. Sick of having to be the strong one… but I couldn't let Tails see me like this. I wouldn't crush his hope that things were improving. Because they were… Or, at least, was supposed to.

I felt arms wrapped around my shoulders and drew me closer. I sniffled, bringing my hands up to rest on his back. I felt a hesitant kiss on my forehead and I sighed. I was going to miss this…

“While I can’t predict the future, I wouldn’t let anything happen to you or Rouge. I’m going to try and fix this, either by finding a loophole or have to take it up with the Commander himself," he promised. I felt myself nod.

But, before we had time to talk more, he got a call from Rouge. He let go, throwing his communicator an annoyed look. He reached up to active his headset. “What?” He asked, irritated. After a few minutes, he sighed. "My apologies, Rouge," he muttered. There were a few moments of silence before he closed his eyes. “Alright, I’m on my way.” That said, he hung up and looked at me.

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