Kagehina & Co: County Fair

Start from the beginning

"No fair!" 

By the time it was time to go take their seats, the pair had gone on almost every ride in the place. There was one that spun you around while also swinging you back and forth really high in the air. There was another that just spun you around so fast you were glued to the wall, no need for a seatbelt really. Another swung back and forth like a swing until it finally went all the way around, keeping you upright the whole time. They both made the executive decision to avoid the Tilt-A-Whirl and the Zipper. There was another where you were in a car that just went around in a circle really fast while super loud music played, and another where you were strapped into a hang-glider-like contraption, and just flew around in circles.

Their last stop was the drop tower.

"It's so high!" Hinata exclaimed with anticipation.

"It's not really. Maybe 100 feet?"

"That's still high." They got on a strapped in, and slowly they were lifted up.

"It's a really nice view, though," Hinata said as they were lifted up above pretty much every ride except the ferris wheel.

"Yeah, it is," Kageyama looked over at Hinata with a smile and reached out to take his hand. The angle was a little awkward, but Hinata laced his fingers with Kageyama's nonetheless. 

The sun was just beginning to set, the sky painted pink with the lights of the fair lighting up the ground. It was quite beautiful, and for a moment Kageyama forgot he was even on the drop tower. 

That feeling of bliss quickly came to an end when the drop tower stopped moving and there was a second of pure panic before the two were sent hurdling to the ground, both screaming completely involuntarily.  

"Shit, Hinata!" Kageyama exclaimed when they reached the bottom, wrenching his hand out of the death grip the shorter boy had it in. "I think you broke every single bone in my hand!"

"Can we do it again, Kags? Oh can we please!!" Hinata begged, his eyes wide with adrenaline. 

"You can just stay here if you want to do it again, there's no one else in line," the operator said, hearing the two of them. 

"Perfect! Thank you!" Hinata immediately sat back down and pulled the safety belt back on. Kageyama just sighed and did the same. 

"You would just do this over and over forever if you could, wouldn't you?" Kageyama asked. 

"Of course. It makes me feel alive!" Kageyama actually laughed at that, as if Hinata wasn't full of life at any given time. 

"More than hitting a perfect spike?" Kageyama teased. Hinata twisted his face into a thoughtful pout. 

"Okay, maybe not, but it's close!" Hinata said. Kageyama smiled at his boyfriend and resisted the urge to take his hand again. He didn't need his bones crunched twice. 

"How about this time, when we drop, try not to hold onto anything. Not the seat, not my hand, not anything," Kageyama challenged. Hinata seemed to think for a moment and then nodded in agreement. 

As the anticipation built up in his chest, Kageyama found himself not admiring the view this time, but instead Hinata. The glow of the sunset illuminated his face with a soft pinkish-orange, making him unfairly beautiful. 

"Why are you staring at me?" Hinata asked. Kageyama was so zoned out he didn't even realize Hinata was looking back him. 

"You look really pretty." Hinata giggled.

"I think the adrenaline is making you a little loopy, Kags."

"I want to kiss you." This just made Hinata laugh harder. 

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