Iwaoi: Fireflies

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"Oh, Hajime! This is beautiful!" Oikawa exclaimed as he stepped out onto their balcony. The porch umbrella was open and lined with fairy lights. Candles surrounded the poll in little mason jars. Two places were set next to each other, looking out at their yard that was filled with trees with lit up birdhouses hanging from the branches. "I can't believe you did all this!"

"Well, our four year anniversary should be something to celebrate," Iwaizumi responded, a wide smile on his face from seeing Oikawa so happy.

"Oh, and I thought that the little surprise at work would be the last of it." Oikawa leaned over and kissed Iwaizumi on the cheek.

"Oh, is that all I get?" Iwaizumi pouted.

"You know that isn't all you'll get," Oikawa said with a giggle.

"Okay, okay, go get settled. I'm going to go get the food," Iwaizumi said, removing his arms from around Oikawa's waist.

"You cooked, too! Is that why you made me walk around the house when I got back from work?"

"Well, I couldn't have you smelling the food!" Iwaizumi called back as he walked toward the door. "Now, go on!" He shooed Oikawa toward the table with a wave of his hand.

"You made me walk up all those stairs so I wouldn't smell the food?" Iwaizumi heard Oikawa yell incredulously as he walked through the door. Iwaizumi chuckled to himself once he was inside. He was so happy to see Oikawa in such a good mood. Lately, Oikawa had been kind of stressed at work, so Iwaizumi was extremely thankful when Oikawa came home in a relatively good mood, unlike how he had been coming home recently. Hopefully tonight will lift his spirits for more than one day.

Iwaizumi walked out of the house holding two plates of food. He set them down on the table and took his place next to Oikawa.

"It looks wonderful, Hajime. I still can't believe you did all this for me. It's so much more than I did for you!"

"It's okay. Remember, last year you totally outdid me, so this year I had to make it up to you," Iwaizumi said, smiling.

"Yeah, but this is... this is so... so perfect," Oikawa said in awe, looking out at the lit up trees.

"Well, I can have nothing less for my perfect boyfriend." Oikawa looked over at Iwaizumi, love filling his gaze. Oikawa leaned in and kissed Iwaizumi slowly, tenderly.

"I love you," Oikawa said against Iwaizumi's mouth.

"Oh, so did I need to tell you that you're perfect for you to say that?" Iwaizumi asked slyly, leaning back in his chair.

"You're impossible!" Oikawa said, throwing his hands up in the air.

"I love you, too," Iwaizumi said in response.

"Hell yeah you do," Oikawa muttered, taking a bite of bread.

"Oh, do you have something to say?"

"Just that I'm totally going to outdo you next year," he said, holding his head high.

"Sure," Iwaizumi said indifferently, sipping his tea.

"What? Do you have something else planned?" Oikawa asked indignantly.

"I guess you'll just have to find out."

"I swear, if I find a new car in the garage tonight..."

"Oh don't worry, honey. I'm not going to spend that much money on you," Iwaizumi said, smiling.

"I hate you!"

"Nah, you love me."

"No, I don't."

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