You smile up at him, "Thank you Glenn, your literately the best." You say and he smiles a little at you. "Not really." He says and you frown a little at his tone, something definitely was bothering him. "What's wrong Glenn? Did somthin' happen?" You ask, eyeing him because he wouldn't look you in the eyes which was unusual for him. He shifts a little at your question and he shakes his head, "N-No, nothing happened. Just a routine run. Perfectly normal." He says nervously and you cross your arms at his total lie. "If your gonna lie to me, at least act like you believe what your sayin'." You say calling him out and his brown eyes finally meet yours.

"H-how do you do that?" He asks you changing the subject hoping you'd let up. "I mean your not the best lier. You kinda suck at it." You respond with a shrug and he sighs. He knew he sucked at lying and he knew you would be able to read him even if he was a good lier. "Come on Glenn. What happened? You can tell me anything." You say trying to coax whatever was eating at your friend out. "I-I don't think it's my place." He says looking down nervously again. "How so? Is it what Lori asked for? Or did something happen with Maggie?" You ask just throwing out possible things that could be bothering him.

His eyes shot yo to your again and he looked nervous and slightly taken a back by your guesses. "Umm... both?" He half confirmed to you making you raise an eyebrow at him. He obviously wanted to tell you what was up and you knew you could get him too. "Okay, just explain." You say gently and he thinks about it for a second then nods a little. "Promise it stays between us?" He asks and you just nod at him. He sighs taking a step towards you, "I think Lori might be pregnant and Maggie and I had sex at the store." He says quickly and in a whisper. Your jaw drops a little at that and he looks away embarrassed.

"Okay... that is not what I thought you were gonna say." You admit and he shrugs at your answer. Clearly he didn't know what to think either. Lori might be pregnant? Was it even Ricks? Shit... now you definitely needed to stay at this farm. There's no way she could be pregnant and give birth on the road, if she was pregnant. Holy fuck, dose Rick even know about Shane and Lori yet!? God this is gonna turn into a shit show real fast... Wait... Maggie and Glenn had sex? Well that was fast... "So you n Maggie?" You ask trying to let everything he'd just told you sink in.

He nods, "Yeah, it was her idea. I thought it was great but she didn't really say anything after... dose that mean it wasn't good for her?" He asks you and you shake your head. "No, not necessarily. She definitely likes you, maybe she's just trying to figure you out." You suggest to him and he sighs nodding a little agreeing with what you'd said. "Yeah maybe your right." He says feeling better about telling someone and thankful that his best friend was a female so he could get a woman's point of view. You smile lightly at him, "I normally am. Hey... Um just don't mention the Lori thing to anyone. Okay?" You say and he sighs at that.

"Yeah, Okay." He says before you both look over to where the RV was to see Daryl walking into it. Your relieved to see him okay but your eyes narrow to see what he was carrying into it with him. It looked like a flower? In a beer bottle... yep that was a Daryl touch, but why? The only person in there was carol...  "I'm gonna take this stuff inside for you okay?" Glenn says to you snapping you from your thoughts and you nod still staring to the RV where Daryl just walked in. "Okay, Thanks Glenn. I owe you one." You say glancing away from the RV to Glenn who just smiles at you. "No ya don't. It's what best friends are for. I'll always have your back, just like you have mine." He says as he walks to the front door before opening it. You smile at him, "Your damned right." You add as he walks into the house.

You stare at the door for a second longer happy that Glenn Rhee was your best friend. He really was one of the good ones in this world and you were glad it hadn't changed him. Your eyes look back over to where the RV door was still open. Your mind wanders back to the flower he brought in there and you can't help but feel slightly jealous. He didn't even come to tell you he was back first, and to top it all off he brought Carol a flower. You sigh at yourself, you and Daryl were still new, so the thoughts of him having second thoughts about you and him were starting to creep into your mind.

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