~23~ (Lemon)

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   The sun was starting to get low in the sky as you rest in a rocking chair, on the front porch, off to the side. It wasn't quite sunset yet but you were tired all the same, weather it was from the pain pill you'd taken or the fact you were just injured, you didn't know. Lori had went to sit in with Carl about an hour ago, you told her that he had woken up a little while earlier and that you'd given him more medicine and she thanked you for it. You hold your dog tags in your hands fiddling with the metal as you watch out over the farm. Maggie's younger sister had given them to you a few minutes earlier saying that they had to take them off you before they saved your life. You thanked her for keeping them safe and washing them because apparently you'd gotten them all kinds of bloody, before  she walked off saying it was no problem at all. You liked her she was a sweet young girl, still innocent to this cruel world.

You couldn't help but feel slightly pissed still from what Shane had told you as she walked past you inside again though. He had really pissed you off but you tired not to think about it so much as you look down at the metal with your name stamped into it. You yawn a little as the green car Shane had stolen pulled down the drive way. They were back from the highway finally and you sit up a little hoping to see Sophia jump out of the car with her mother. You quickly slipped the chain over your head letting them reclaim their permanent spot on your neck again thankful you had them back as the green car skidded to a stop.

You watch Shane and Andrea climb out of the vehicle first before the back divers door swings open and Carol climbs out. Your eyes stay trained on the car only to drop down the the wooden floor boards of the porch again when she closed it with a depressed expression. You can't help the pang of guilt from hitting your heart. They hadn't found her out there, so now you could only pray that Daryl wouldn't come back empty handed. You look up when Rick walks around the side of the house following Hershel. Your eyes meet briefly and you mouth "well?" to him and he just shrugs a little, "not yet." He mouths back to you as he follows the elderly man over to the porch stairs that were behind you.

You roll your eyes at his answer as you watch them walk out of your line of sight. You could recognize their voices behind you but couldn't quite make out what they were saying. By your brothers tone he was trying to be stern yet respectful. You sigh as you watch the light breeze rustle the trees around the house, which only made it more impossible to make out what they were talking about behind you. After a few minutes you turn your head to the side to see Rick shaking Hershel's hand before glancing at you then walking inside.
Your eyes catch movement coming up the drive way again and you sigh in relief at the sight of Glenn and Maggie.

They're horses walk slowly up to the house and you wonder by the look on Ricks face if Hershel had agreed to let us stay or not. You stand up from the chair and walk around to the front of the porch as Maggie and Glenn stop their horses at the front of the house. You watch as Maggie slides off her horse letting Glenn tie them both. Hershel walks a few paces from the front porch to meet his daughter and you listen as she says that nothing happened on their run. You can't help but not believe her because Glenn had a strange look on his face and he looked totally confused.

You make a mental note to ask him about it later as Lori rushes out of the front door rather quickly. You watch her curiously as she walks up to Glenn, "Did you find it?" She asks him and you realize she didn't even see you when she walked out of the house. Her body language was telling you that she was on edge as Glenn pulls his back pack off his shoulders. He pulls out a little white paper bag from his backpack and she takes it quickly from him only to shove it into the back of her jeans to be hidden under her shirt. Glenn looks at her strangely before walking past her and spotting you on the porch watching them.

Lori turns around to watch Glenn pass her and her eyes land on you staring at her. She quickly looks down and away from your stern gaze before she walks away to the tent she'd set up for her and Rick. You remember Glenn said she'd asked for something but he never said what and by the way she acted it just made you want to know all the more. Your snapped from your thoughts when Glenn walked up onto the porch beside you. "Hey, got you the stuff you asked for," He says as he holds up his backpack showing the pads and tampons you asked for, "also found stuff to help with cramps." He says as you notice the small bottle of pain killers.

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