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   After the much needed shower that Daryl had shared with you, everyone had found themselves gathered on the porch as the sun began to sink behind the trees encircling the farm. A tense silence had taken over as the group thought deeply on the matter of what to do with Randle. Weather or not he was a big enough threat to eliminate, if he would be given a chance to join us, or if he would be driven out far enough that he wouldn't be able to make it back to the farm. You'd made up your mind the second he'd admitted to your brothers that he knew Maggie and Hershel, that he knew where the farm was. There was no bigger threat than him in your mind, especially with the men he'd ran with. Rapers, murders, and thieves, if they'd found him once, it was possible for them to find him again if he was let go. It was a risk you weren't willing to take, and you knew others felt the same way, but that some weren't sure if killing him was the best call either. So you waited, leaning against Daryl who was leaning against the porch railings. "Let's gather up." Rick says to everyone as he walks out of the house. You push off Daryl and you both head inside, briefly listening to Lori tell Carl that she wanted him to stay with Jimmy. She didn't want her son to hear the fate of Randle and you honestly didn't think that was the worst idea.

Everyone gathered in the living room, Hershel and his girls sitting on the couch with everyone else standing around the room, simply waiting. You stood beside Daryl who leaned against a decorative vanity, right behind Rick who stood behind one of the seats that was unclaimed. Carl walks in the door directly behind you and Daryl, only to stare at you for a second. It was obvious he wanted to listen when Daryl looks to Rick questioning him silently if his son was supposed to be in here. You sigh and look over at Rick staring at his son sternly, obviously not going to start with him in the room. So with an aggravated huff, he storms back through the house and out back where Jimmy was like he had been told. Everyone is silent until the sound of the back pouch door slams indicating that he'd finally listened to his mother before someone finally speaks. "So how do we do this? Just take a vote?" Glenn asks sadly from his leaned over position on the piano bench in front of Andrea and Dale. "Dose it have to be unanimous?" Andrea questions. "How about majority rules?" Lori asks immediately after, making Rick step forward at the questions being fired off. "Well, let's just see where everybody stands, then we can talk through the options." Rick says to the seemingly somber looking faces everyone held.

"Well, where I sit, there's only one way to move forward." Shane says glancing over at you, then to Rick. "Killing him, right?" Dale states with a small disappointed nod at Shane, "I mean why bother to even take a vote? It's clear which way the winds blowing." Dale says with clear distaste in his voice. You and Rick both look down at the same time, you with frustration and Rick with a small nod. "Well, if people believe we should spare him. I wanna know." Rick says as he looks back up at Dale. "I can tell you it's a small group- maybe just me and Glenn." Dale says sadly as he looks from Rick down to Glenn who slowly looks up at Dale with a somber look on his face. Dales face shifts from agitated at the situation before the group, to realization on where Glenn truly stood. "Look, I- I think you're pretty much right about everything, all the time, but this-" Glenn starts only for Dale to cut him off. "They've got you scared!" Dale argues down at Glenn who shakes his head. "He's not one of us. And we've lost too many people already." Glenn tells him, making a valid point. Dale is silent for a moment before looking up at Maggie, "How about you? Do you agree with this?" Dale tries to reason making Maggie look down. She then glances over at Rick, "Couldn't we continue keeping him prisoner?" She asks not really wanting to, but just throwing it out there. Daryl shifts his weight beside you, "Just another mouth to feed." He points out making you nod in agreement. "It may be a lean winter." Hershel adds, agreeing with Daryls point while starring at Rick seriously. "We could ration better." Lori says making you refrain from rolling your eyes, knowing that the group had already started rationing now that town was more overrun. "Well, he could be an asset. Give him a chance to prove himself!" Dale states.

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