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You woke up early that morning next to a still sleeping Daryl. Nobody else was up yet but they would be soon. Yesterday's memories ran though your brain reminding you that Sophia was still missing and that you got drunk. Again. You sigh lightly at yourself surprised that you didn't have a colossal headache you thought you deserved to have. You lay there on your back with your arms under your head looking up at the still mostly dark sky lost in thought. Daryl shifts in his sleep wrapping his arms around your body and winds up laying his head on your stomach as a pillow making you smile at him. You move one arm from beneath your head to cover his body back up with the blanket so he could stay asleep before you place your hand on his head tangling it in his hair.

You don't know how long you laid with him like that but before you knew it the sun had started to finally peek over the horizon. You sighed a little again looking at how peaceful Daryl face was when he was asleep. You didn't wanna wake him up but you knew that Rick would probably be up at any second ready to look for Sophia. You gently start running your fingers though his hair, "Daryl. Ya gotta wake up babe." You say softly as he starts to stir awake. He sighs sleepily before opening his stunning blue eyes to look at you smiling gently at him. "Mornin'." He mumbles in his husky southern morning voice you love so much. It was moments like this that made you wish you'd met Daryl earlier before the world decided to end. To wake up in his arms, in your own bed, in your own house.

"Mornin'." You reply as he admires your face in the early morning light still trying to wake up fully. He never moved from when he woke up and it made your heart flutter at the fact he was basically cuddling you still. It made your mind wander back to what you told Rick last night before you went to bed. You still didn't know if Daryl considered you and him a serious relationship. "Daryl." You say quietly making him open his eyes again to look at you since he had closed them again sleepily. "I know we haven't really talked about it but, I wanna be in a serious relationship with you." You say softly. His eyes widen slightly and you feel him tense around you, "Don't freak out. Just think about it. This thing we have going is the best thing to ever happen to me. You don't have to answer right away, I just wanted to tell you where I stand." You say quickly sensing him starting to panic internally obviously unsure what to say again to you spilling your heart out.

Part of you was terrified that he'd try to shut you out because of the other day when you told him he was the love of your life and now this. He hadn't so far so that had to mean he was thinking about it too right? He thought about it for a second and was about to answer you when Ricks voice calling for everyone to gather around beat him cutting him off. Daryl groans squeezing you lightly before unwrapping his arms from you and sitting up. He was frustrated at himself mostly because he wanted to tell you that he had been wanting to be with you in a serious relationship for a long time. Especially when you told him that you thought he was the love of your life, but again the words just left his mind and all he could do was stare. You sit up too and see your bother starting to gather everyone around and you quickly put your bra back on as Daryl puts his boots back on.

Daryl puts the tail gate down as you put your boots back on lacing them up while he jumps down to the ground. He stayed beside the tail gate waiting for you to hop down and it made your heart happy that he waited on you. You both walked over to the group together and you wanted to grab hold his hand but decided against it. Daryl wasn't normally one for stuff like that except for when you were alone or the time he said he loved you in front of Andrea. Which honestly even that surprised you that he said it openly in front of her. Besides you just told him you wanted to be in a serious relationship and he didn't say anything back if anything he looked freaked out by the thought of it.

You didn't wanna push it by holding his hand in front of everyone it would probably be too much for him right now. Plus he had to focus on the search party he was fixing to lead with Rick and didn't need to be distracted anymore. You quickly step into the RV grabbing your old army coat tying it around your waist and grabbing your riffle that was leaning against your pack. You didn't know how it got there but you were happy it was there so you sling it over your shoulder and head back out to listen to the plan to search for Sophia.

Angel (Daryl Dixion x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now