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The next morning your sound asleep with Daryl beside you on his back. "-(Y/n)?" you hear someone whisper through the darkness making your eyes open, briefly glance over at your still very unconscious boyfriend who hadn't moved. You wonder if you dreamed it before you hear it again, "..(Y/n)!" You hear one your brothers whisper yell to you from just outside your tent. You sit up confused, blinking the sleep from your eyes as you slowly roll out of the make shift bed. "Hey, (Y/n)! Wake up!" You hear Rick whisper yell to you again as you sling a shirt and shorts on. You unzip the tent and find yourself face to face with your twin brother.  "..Is it late or early?" You ask him sleepily as you step out into the cool still kinda dark air unable to see the sky fully because of the trees you were under. "Early." Rick says as you look over to him. He obviously hadn't slept a wink and he looked very upset.

"What's wrong?" You ask with worry seeing something was weighing on him, your mind instantly awake now. "Can we talk?" He asks his eyes glancing behind you seeing Daryl still asleep within the tent. You nod, "Yeah, what's going on?" You ask as you drag up the two chairs you'd set up outside the mouth of the tent to watch over camp. He sits, shaking his head, "All of it, I guess." He says as he runs a hand down his face looking over camp. You scoff slightly, "I need more to go on than that brother." You say half playfully. He nods thinking, "I don't think I'm cut out for this world." He says seriously, a little shocked he'd finally said it out loud.

You brows furrow at his tone, his icy eyes heavy with doubt as he scans the camp, his gaze landing on his tent where Lori and Carl still slept. You follow his gaze, "What makes you say that?" You ask knowing something was terribly off about him, especially with the glint of anger that flashes across his eyes. He shakes his head, "Just everything that's happened, everything I've learned since I woke up in this nightmare.. I'm just not as strong as you are." He says as he looks down and rubs his tired eyes. "You're the strongest person I know Rick.." You say seriously. You didn't like his current mind set at all. He was one of the best men you knew and you couldn't imagine him thinking so lowly of himself. You practically idolized your big brother and had always wanted to be as brave and as strong as he never failed to be.

He shakes his head at you, not believing you. "Tell me what brought all this on. If there something you wanna get off your chest then spit it out." You'd tell him making his eyes look over at you. Something was eating him alive and you hated seeing it. "Lori's pregnant and.." He tails off as he looks down briefly at his boots. You close your eyes in realization as letting your head drop briefly. 'Fuck. Now we have to stay, no questions about it. Oh god it really could be Shane's. Shit, dose he know about her and Shane?' A million thoughts fly through your mind, as you look up at him obviously struggling with his next words. "And?" You ask, encouraging the cherry on top. His voice is low, completely different as he speaks again, "Her and Shane." Is all he can say as he glares back at the tent with a now obvious anger. You exhale a sigh heavy through your nose at that, slightly relieved he knew, but upset for him all the same. He looks over at you, expecting you to go drag Shane out of his tent and beat him half bloody, but your unusually calm as you nod at his words and look down to your feet.

"You knew." He says lowly, kinda baffled that you'd keep something like this from him, as he leans back in his chair staring at you shocked. You nod once, ever so slightly as you slowly look over at him. He runs a hand down his face in disbelief, "Why didn't you-" he starts but you cut him off, "Because they stopped fucking the day you came back. They know it was wrong, but they thought you were dead.. Hell, we all did." You say as you look down at your boots. "Besides.. How the fuck was I supposed to tell you that your wife was sleeping with our brother? It wasn't exactly my place." You tell him seriously as you look over at him, making him actually crack a brief grin at the ridiculous question he never thought he'd ever hear. Even despite the pang of heart ache your words make him gruesomely aware of how everyone likely knew. He chuckles a little, "Hell, I don't know." He says brokenly, as his sad grin fades from his lips just as quickly as it came. You sigh at him as you reach over and grab his hand.

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