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   Within thirty minutes of Rick leaving Amy, Andrea, Carol, and Jacqui wanted to head down to the quarry to do some more laundry. Even after Ed said he was going down too you still offered to go help and they greatly accepted. Knowing Ed he wasn't gonna do anything, god you couldn't stand him. Since there was only two wash boards Amy soaked the dirty cloths and put soap on them while Carol and Andrea scrubbed the cloths handing them to Jacqui and you to rinse.

Now you stood beside Jacqui wringing out another piece of clothing that she handed you as it came down the line of laundry you all had going. As predicted Ed was sitting on his ass just smoking his cigarettes like he had all the time in the world. You placed another pair of someone's jeans neatly in a basket after squeezing as much water as possible out. Shane had taken Carl down there a few minutes after the laundry line had started to catch frogs.

You knew there were frogs out there, you heard them every night. From the sounds of some of them there were some monster frogs down here. Since the quarry was abandoned a long time ago you figured that they probably would be able to get pretty big. Big enough to eat you reckon, your snapped from your thoughts as Shane pops out of the water from falling in while starting to splash around noisily. "Alright little man they're comin' your way! They're comin' your way! Get em, Get em! Get em!" He says loudly making Carl laugh.

"Catch some frogs! Catch some frogs!" Shane says only increasing the boys laughter. It felt nice to see your nephew smile and laughing. Finding your self smiling at him as they start talking and laughing some more. Probably didn't catch anything but it was nice to see them smile and relax for a few minutes. Times like that were precious now a days.

"I'm beginning to question the division of labor here..." Jacqui says as she walks back up with Andrea, more cloths in their hands ready to be washed. You hadn't even noticed them walk back to the trucks. Oops. "Me too." Someone says making you roll your eyes and rinse a shirt Andrea handed your way. "What'd ya got bad boy? What'd ya got?" Shane asks Carl with amusement as you rinse the shirt. "Dirt." You hear him say a little disappointed.

You giggle a little at them rolling your eyes, figures that wasn't exactly the way to catch frogs effectively. Carl laughs some more with a chuckling Shane but you cant hear what their saying so you just continue what your doing. "Can someone explain to me how the women wound up doin' all the Hattie McDaniel work?" Jacqui asks as she shakes out a shirt making you smile at her. "The world ended. Didn't you get the memo?" Amy asks sarcastically as you smirk silently at her sly comment.

Carol looks back worried at her husband who just sits on his ass still, "It's just the way it is." She says relived he didn't hear them talking like that. Stifling a groan at this, damn Ed really is an ass hole... you think, as Carol hands you a yellow shirt to wring out. "I do miss my Maytag." Carol adds after a few minutes of silence. A washing machine... man you did miss those. "I miss my Benz, my sat nav..." Andrea adds. "I miss my coffee maker with that dual-drip filter and built in grinder, honey." Jacqui adds as well, you couldn't remember the last cup of coffee you had.

"My computer, and texting." Amy says as you shake your head at the teenager with a smile. "Hot water." You add making everyone nod at you. "I miss my vibrator." Andrea says suddenly making you pause and look up at her shocked slightly while Amy just gasped at her sister. She had a point, you thought, "me too." Carol suddenly adds making you stare at her in shock but a giggle soon escapes your lips when Jacqui oos at her.

"What's so funny?" Ed asks hatefully and you look up at him as he walks up to you girls laughing and you did not liking the dangerous look he was giving Carol at all. "Just swapping war stories Ed." Andrea says nonchalantly even though her expression was getting more aggravating at him the closer he got. You stand up shaking your hands partly dry of the water as you stare him down.

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