~31~ (Lemon)

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   It took you almost all night to find Hershel, survive the bar shoot out, save this kid whom you'd learned was called Randal, and then drive back home. Your stomach churned at the thought that Daryl could of came looking for you like he said he would. Yet you found comfort knowing it was a one way shot into town from Hershel's farm so you'd of seen him. Then again, your boyfriend was an incredibly stubborn individual, so you were almost more worried that he'd been forced to stay. Simply because you knew that would have likely ended with a fight between him and whoever was stupid enough to step to him. As the truck flys down the gravel road of the farms drive way, you glance back at the sight of Hershel right behind you, Randle in the middle, and Glenn behind Rick. They were all three squeezed shoulder to shoulder in the backseat of Hershel's farm tuck now. You'd made Glenn blind folded the kid, right before he regained full consciousness, but only after he stopped bleeding so profusely. Hershel then had him moved from the trunk, to the back seat, when Rick stopped for you to open the farms gates. You see Shane's green car parked in front of the huge oak tree a few yard from the house with him and T behind it preparing to no doubtably to come looking for you four. Your heart skips a beat when you see Daryl instantly turn around at the sound of the truck flying down the dirt road. Rick flys past them to park right in front of the house making Daryl instantly take off towards the truck, having not caught sight of you in the passenger seat. You look back at Randle once more, just to make sure he was still secure before you get out. Maggie brushes past her father who obviously expected a hug, only for her to latch onto Glenn.

You smile a bit as you watch Rick attach himself to Carl who ran out of the house to find his father. "Patricia. Prepare the shed for surgery!" Hershel calls as he walks up to the house to check on his youngest daughter. You immediately notice Lori and her busted up face, so you half listen when she tells Rick that she had gotten in an car accident when she went out looking for him. "Darlin'?" You hear Daryl call out worriedly as he walks past Rick, who nods his head over at you despite asking his wife if she was crazy. Your lovers eyes meet yours briefly only to instantly fall Randles blood that had gotten all over your shoulder and soaked into your tank top. His heart drops as he quickly comes up to you, immediately grabbing your tank tops bloodied shoulder strap, and swiftly moving it to the side rather gingerly. He was physically relieved that there was no bite, but it only confused him on where all this fresh blood had come from. "Im alright- It ain't mine." You tell him in a calm hurry as you look up at his still worry stricken eyes. He just shakes his head, still insisting on looking you over just to ease his nerves until his eyes snap to your other biceps deep horizontal cut. They follow the multiple trails of your own dried blood that had ran down your whole entire arm. His hand gently grabs your forearm arm, gently pulling up closer, praying it was as deep as it looked. His jaw to tightens dangerously with the flash of pure rage that corses through him when he finds it was. You watch as his eyes take on a deep look of hurt despite the anger from the fact that he hadn't been there to protect you like he knew he needed to be. Your hand touches the side of his neck, only to run up to his cheek,  "It's just a scratch, baby. I'm fine." You reassure him softly, finally making him finally tear his eyes from the wound to look you in your eyes. "What the hell happened-" he starts to ask before T notices Randle in the back seat and cuts him off. "Hey- Who the hell is that?" T questions loudly while he points to Randle still in the back seat of the truck.

Daryl's eyes snap up to look over your head at the kid slumped over in the backseat and you sigh absolutely exhausted. "That's Randle." Glenn informs everyone as they all stare at the very unconscious kid as if he was fully armed. Daryl slowly looks back down at you obviously confused and silently asking for an explanation. You just shake your head a little, letting your hand fall from his face, genuinely too tired to have explain the disaster of a rescue operation and how you came across this kid. Daryl then noticed how physically tired you were by your eyes alone, and by the look on Glenn, and Ricks faces, whatever had gone down was a lot. He sighs through his nose, "Come on. Lemme get you cleaned up.." He says as he gently pulls you up towards the porch by the back of your neck, but not before glaring at the suspicious kid once more. You walk with him, leaning subconsciously into his body absolutely exhausted until you make it to the porch the steps. He leans down to gently kiss your lips as relief finally washes over him, knowing you were pretty much unscathed. He sets you down on the fourth step before standing back, pulling his cross bow over his head, and setting it beside your left leg. "Stay right here." He tells you before jogging back over to Shane's car. "Everyone meet me inside and I'll explain in a minute." Rick tells everyone as he calls Glenn over to help him. You watch as Rick and Glenn pull Randle out of the back seat and carry him around the side of the house towards the shed. Everyone else walks slowly up towards the house making you glance down able to feel the stare's without looking over at them. Your eyes stay fixated on your boots, not having the energy to look at T, Andrea, Carol, Maggie, and Jimmy as they stare at you while walking up the stairs. "Are you okay Aunt (Y/n)?" Carls voice suddenly asks from beside you, his tone worried, almost on the verge of tears. Your eyes snap up at him instinctively, a soft smile already gracing your lips as you hide how tired you were. "Always kiddo." You say gently to his worried face that graces his features as he stares at your arm. Tears threaten to well up in those baby blue eyes he got from his father as he try's to act brave. "It's just a small cut. Didn't even hurt." You tell him with a grin and playful wink, trying to prove to him that it wasn't as bad as it looked. He didn't believe you considering the trails of dark, dried crimson that streaks down your arm, making it look way worse than it actually was.

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