chapter ten

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"Ow, my knee hurts so bad!" Lila exclaimed in pain as she gripped her right knee in agony. She smirked to herself as her plan was working perfectly.

Lila tells Rena Rouge that her knee hurts. Queen Bee believes that Lila is lying, but Rena Rouge doubts it as she seems to be in serious pain. She takes her away from the battle while Queen Bee goes after her.

Rena Rouge sets her on the ground and examines her injury. Lila stands up telling her it was an false alarm and she feels better now knowing she was two superheroes to protect from Lady Fortune.

Lady Fortune curled her hand into a fist and aimed for the front of Queen Bee's nose. Queen Bee dodged out of the way before she could attack her again.

She hits me again and I taste blood. Come on, Chloe, get up. She grabs my head, her fingers digging into my scalp and lifts me until I'm dangling on the tips of my toes. She slams her hand into my ribs and I wince. The pain ripples through my chest. Come on, Chloe. Focus. I lock my eyes in her ocean blue eyes and jab my palm under her chin. She reels back, releasing her grip.

Lady Fortune grabbed her yoyo and spun it in circles before wrapping it around Queen Bee's waist and send her flying into a nearby Adrien ad.

Rena Rouge stand in front of the defeated Queen Bee as she blows on her flute, summoning her superpower Mirage, creating an illusion of Ladybug trying to remind of who she really was.

She rolled her eyes in frustration as she used her yoyo to destroy the illusion of Ladybug. Rena Rouge does two back flips to avoid Lady Fortune's upcoming attack. As well, she's is also thrown into a nearby building.

Lady Fortune stood before the two heroes as her hands were on her hips as she beamed at them triumphantly.

"Are you satisfied with the mess you've created out of me?" The super-villian asked her former teammates as they were trying to gain consciousness.

Lady Fortune summons her Lucky Charm and she ends up with a large weapon. Her eyes burned with rage as she swung her longsword at them. Queen Bee run towards her and called on her superpower Venom and stung Lady Fortune.

"Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?" The blonde superheroines mouth curved upwards into a grin as she stood tall at their paralysed enemy.

Rena Rouge ran over to her thanking her for the save, Chloe wouldn't stop boasting about she singlehandedly tool down Lady Fortune without no help. The duo once again, dropped Lila home before departed their separate ways.

Meanwhile, her eyes widened as she couldn't move, it was if her entire body was frozen in time. The colour drained out of her face as she dropped her weapon onto the ground and stood still.

When the venom finally wore off, Lady Fortune could think of nothing but revenge. Revenge on Adrian Agreste, the boy she once loved, but who threw away everything for a liar. No longer could she trust him or those heroes. The burning fire of betrayal hissed through her body, demanding the model to suffer at any cost, even if it meant raising every building to the ground.

If nobody is going to turn him in, she'll have to get to him herself.

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