chapter nine

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The next day after the fight with Lady Fortune, Alya and Chloe were in class trying to concentrate after their plan went brilliantly until Lila got involved and was under the influence of Queen Bee's venom luckily it wore off when she got home.

The one thing the girls were confused about why did Lila took the hit for Lady Fortune. Alya remembered that time when the Italian girl first joined their school and gave an interview for her Ladyblog about Lila describes how Ladybug saved her life and they're have best friends ever since.

If only the Ladyblogger wouldn't be so gullible and believe everything that comes out of that manipulative liar's  mouth she could use her blogging skills and expose her for who she really is. Alya always said a good reporter checks her facts.

However, Chloe never seemed to like Lila cause she was the one getting the most attention or getting close to Adrien bur she doesn't know necessarily that she's lying but the two girls were never besties apart from one thing in common; their hatred for Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

Miss Bustier was teaching the class the famous poem Stranger by Albert Cambus , both girls were barely paying attention to what the teacher as saying as they separately plotted different ways on how to leave class.

Their main goal was to find Lila and ask her about the little stunt that she pulled last night and get some answers.

"Miss, may I please go to the toilet?". As in sync both the brunette and the blonde raised their hands and asked their professor.

Their red-head teacher silently nodded and put on a award-winning smile both girls excused themselves and ran to the bathroom as quickly as they could.

They both got their kwamis and put on their miraculous and transformed into Queen Bee and Rena Rouge.

As soon as they left Françoise Dupont College, the super heroines greeted each other.

"I can't believe what of all the people that I have to interrogate is has to her, Lila, like come on what does Adrien see on her anyway, I mean I'm his childhood friend. How could he not fall for me. Like, hello I'm smart, beautiful and rich? And my father is the mayor. When I get hold of Lila, I'm going to sting her where it hurts." 

Queen Bee states as she scrunched up her whole face in irritation while deviously conspiring endless possibilities on how to deal with the aggravating Italian girl.

"Oh, for the love of all that is good and pure, will you just shut up?", The fox-themed supeheroine declared annoyed she rolled her eyes at Chloe's pointless reasons about her and Adrien being together.

They had bigger issues to deal with sich as to find Lila and get the answers they needed after the fight with Lady Fortune the night before.

"Girl, give it time. Come on, l'll race you to the Eiffel Tower." Rena Rouge smirked at her teammate.

Queen Bee blinked her eyes and her mouth curved upwards into a grin.

"Game on."

The pair relocate while jumping from the Agreste manison and the Arc de Triomphe throughout their beloved city. The team were met with Lila's room.

Lila was in her room laying down on her zebra-striped bed as she was reading one of her textbooks. When she looked up from her book she heard an "ahem" and Rena Rouge and Queen Bee wjere standing in her bedroom.

As if on cue, the liar's mouth hung open in awe as she gazed at the two superheroes as they impatiently waited and mentally rolled at their eyes at her to get over their presence.

"Lila, we need to ask some questions about what happened when Rena Rouge and I were fighting Lady Fortune."

"Who me? I'd never do something like that. What is it that you're accusing me of again?"

She battled her lashes as if she's hypnotise them into everything she was saying to them was completely true.

Queen Bee glared at the liar trying to figure out why she took a hit for Lady Fortune. When she knows very well that the two girls don't get along.

Before Rena Rouge could ask her another question, her eyes darted outside Lila's window where Lady Fortune was standing on a tree trunk with her hands on her hips. Her lashes fluttered as she took in the sight of the heroes and the liar. Her mouth twisted upwards into a malicious grin.

"Do you miss me?" 

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