chapter two

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Lurking in the shadows was a slender teenage girl of average height with olive-green eyes and long, hip-length chestnut brown hair with bangs similar to a horse mane. Her hair is loosely tied at the tips with orange bands where she has two shorter strands of hair. She was wearing her usual attire: red-orange wristbands on her right arm. She wears a red-orange jacket over a dark grey romper that has tiny white spots. Additionally, she wears light grey tights and brown high heel boots.

She was waiting for her plan to fall into place. White knuckles from clenching her fist too hard, and gritted teeth from the effort to remain silent, her hunched form exuded an animosity that was like acid - burning, slicing, potent. Her face was red with suppressed rage, and when someone even set a finger on her shoulder, she swung around and mentally snapped.

She also noticed a black butterfly heading her way. The butterfly entered her necklace. The feeling of darkness made her tingle once again. She smiled, knowing well what was going to happen next. A magenta outline shaped in a butterfly mask appeared on her face.

"You know what to do, Volpina."

"Yes, Hawkmoth." 

"You're not as evil as people think you are."

"No. I'm much worse."

Lila grinned like the Cheshire cat as black and purple smoke submerged her body. Her complete image changed as she wore an orange mask with black edges and her hairbands are black. On top of her head, two fake orange ears with white and black insides are attached. The top of her hair is black and then quickly ombrés down to light brown with the tips of her hair being white. She also has orange lipstick. The necklace with a foxtail hanging off of it is worn around her neck. Her outfit is orange with a white section going down the front. Wrapped around her waist is an orange sash that looks like a foxtail. The edges of her collar and the tops of her upper arms have black lines, and her forearms and lower legs are solid black, with the soles of her feet being white with an orange fox foot printed on each. Her weapon is a replica of the staff.

Volpina jumped from building to building to find the bluenette girl going to the park. She played her flute to create a glowing ball of orange energy to make an exact replica of Lila and Adrien. Marinette had left the bakery to find Adrien but what she witnessed disturbed her. Lila and Adrien kissing?! Marinette's eyes were trained on some invisible spectre, her heavy eyelids a fraction too slow to blink, her irises too stationary. It was as if her brain was suffering a massive short circuit and was struggling to compute. She felt the need to vomit.

The scene was quite unbelievable, shocking really. Her mind was sent reeling, unable to comprehend or process the images it was being sent by her eyes. She looked away, then looked back to see if it was still there. The tears flowed unchecked down her cheeks and dripped from her chin. She was too sad to cry out or wail, she just stood there as still as a statue while the magnitude of her loss swept over her.

Volpina had left the scene, her work here was done. Soon she was replaced with Lila. She gave a lopsided grin as she was pleased with what she did.

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