chapter eight

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Rena Rouge and 'Adrien' left the elevator and anticipated for Lady Fortune to make an entrance. The silhouette of her figure occured from the shadows. Next to her, Lila was in an chair, duct tape on her mouth, her wrists were tied.

Her eyes flickered with perseverance. As the heroes took in the sight of how the liar was introduced to them. They understood the countless reasons why Marinette despised Lila with a passion. But they were shocked to see her in a position like this, their mouths snapped shut.

Lady Fortune smirked at the two from a distance as she leaned against a wall watching Lila struggle and squirm trying to escape.

"Oh, look at you." Lady Fortune murmured. "You're trying so hard to keep it together, aren't you?"

This wasn't where she'd wanted to do this. She wanted to do this at all, but having a breakdown in front of them was the worst idea ever.

She stumbled back, fight instinct kicking in. She couldn't do this. Not in front of them. The villain caught hold of them in an instant with a tut.

"Running away?" "Oh, wait you can't!" She grinned as she laughed bitterly.

"You're unbelievable."

"What's even more unbelievable is you think that I'm a good person."

Her eyes bored into 'Adrien' at the two were having a staredown. Patiently waiting to hand them Adrien in exchange handed to them on a sliver platter.

'Adrien' walks towards Lady Fortune. Little did she know, she fell prey to their brilliant plan. 'He' plastered a smile on 'his' face. Lady Fortune grabbed 'him' roughly by the wrist.

The illusion of Adrien wore off and Queen Bee brought out her stinger and called on her superpower Venom and ran towards Lady Fortune and tried to immobilize her, however Lila got in the way, making her paralysed, however the heroes's miraculous started beeping implying that they had five minutes left before they detransformed.

Rena Rouge picked up the idle liar and carried her bridal style as Queen Bee was beside her as they jumped from building to building and dropped Lila back home as the venom left her system, the duo said goodbye to one another and parted ways and tried to have a good night's sleep and prepare themselves for next time.

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