A hand went to my shoulder as he stepped closer. Our noses were almost touching! I take it back. Please, brain, let me have this, and then… Then, maybe, I could finally move on. Maybe the pain would lessen? Even if just a little bit, safe in the knowledge that no one could take my dreams away from me.

“Sonic, your heart is so pure; untainted by this world, despite everything it throws at you. The true embodiment of good and what is right, unlike myself. Corruption and anger filled my heart from the day Maria died. I whipped out a fifth of GUN’s forces in the span of two weeks. I didn’t care who got in my way as long as I enacted my revenge. And then Black Doom came and all hope was stripped of me. I was a slave to the humans in order to fulfill Maria’s wish, the commander never caring whether I got hurt, as long as I completed the mission.”

“When you showed up in my life again, you started to treat me as your equal. I was happy to find someone who could match me in speed and combat. You gave me a challenge; gave me something to strive for. I enjoyed our time together, even though it was short. And then I remembered how close you were to dying fighting the bio-lizard, and then when Mephiles managed to kill you! I couldn’t handle it. I realized how attached I became… The event reminded me of your mortality.”

His eyes turned sad as the grip tightened on my shoulder as if I was going to disappear if he let go, even for a second. Fresh tears came to me as I saw the look of utter despair that crossed his features. I knew he would open up eventually… Maybe to Rouge, but never to me. I didn't dare to dream, seeing him being so sincere with raw emotion. I wanted to reach out, to take him in my arms and tell him that everything was going to be alright… But I couldn't lie. Didn't want to give him such false hope. Because, deep down, I knew he was right.

One day, I would be gone. Whether it was from old age or a premature death from one of my enemies. I shook myself, not wanting to think about that. And there he'll be, walking the earth, unchanged by time as I withered away under the ground. What a lonely fate to behold.

“No matter how much I try, your death will be inevitable. I can't save you like I couldn't save Maria. But, your fox kit made a point. Life is so short, that's true, but it's how you spend it, then how long you live it. And, if your life is shorter than mine, I will spend every second I have with you making sure you are protected and happy."

He leaned closer, lips millimeters from my ears. I felt arms wrap themselves securely around me, holding me close in a tight embrace. Shocked, my arms came up, encircling his shoulders to stop myself from falling over. My legs felt weak, my brain dizzy as a tornado of emotions swirled in my chest. He started to speak once more, making me shiver and cling to his powerful form.

"Your happiness is everything to me, Sonic. I don't care if it takes me a day, week, month, or a year. Hake even a decade for you to forgive me, but I'm always going to be here, watching your back. I love you, Sonic The Hedgehog, and nothing is ever going to change that." He told me with so much emotion, I looked at him this time our faces were mere inches as we got closer.

"Shadow... I," I tried to say only to be met with a pare of gentle lips pressed against mine, as I felt a spark go off in my heart. I kissed him back not wanting this to be a dream I wanted this to last forever, but I knew it would have to end for I needed to breathe.

"Sonic I don't expect you to forgive me, but I would like a second chance to fix this" he pointed to my heart. I smiled already knowing my answer "I think it's already fixed" this time I kissed him and we spent the day talking and expressing our love for each other. I was so happy, but like all my dreams it would have to end, 'if only the real Shadow could show me this side of himself' I thought as the day went on.

Silver pov~

I had gotten close to Sonic during our practices, and it was going well, resulting in him learning how to detect and channel Chaos Energy. Tomorrow, we were going to move onto practicing Chaos Control, along with many other abilities. I wondered what new ability he would have as each user experiences the flow of Chaos differently.

As I was very curious as to what else he could do. The possibilities seemed limitless. During two of our practices, he got frustrated with himself, 'cause he couldn't seem to sense the energy. He ended up kicking a rock, before sitting down with a pout on his face. I've never seen him act so childish before. It was adorable! 

After that, he was so close to giving up that next session we had, I thought he might, but I decided to show him a little trick that I learned.


"Sonic, come on, don't give up," I told him as he continued to pout. 

He huffed. "I don't understand... I'm doing it exactly like you told me, but I can't sense anything!" 

I could tell he was a little frustrated.

"Hey, come here, I want to show you a trick I learned. " I gently grabbed his hand, pulling him back up. I could tell he was curious about what I was planning. "Now, close your eyes. " He threw me a heistant look, but, eventually, did as he was told. 

"Now, I want you to think of something very close to your heart; something you don't want to ever let go of and focus on that specific thing, " I explained to him as he started to glow a nice shade of green.

Sonic opened his eyes that widened at the sight. "I did it! " He yelled joyfully, giving me a hug, which shocked me. "Oh, thank you, Silver."

I blushed, but hugged him back. "You're welcome, Sonic."

A look of confusion overcame his features… "... but how did you know that would work? " He asked me. 

"I figured you learn better by emotions, and not just senses...." I was then interrupted by a growling noise, as I looked to Sonic, his cheeks were a pink shade.

"Hehe. Guess I'm a bit hungry," he chuckled, rubbing the back of his head with a smile. 

I smiled, shaking my head. "Come on, I'll buy you some chili dogs. My treat," I told him. 

Sonic grinned. "Alright, last one there has to take Amy shopping!" He yelled over his shoulder, already having a head start. 

"Wait! What…?" I called after him. "Hey, no far! I always do it!" I tried to protest, but was sure he couldn't hear me. I sighed as I lifted myself off the ground, and started flying in the same direction as him.

End flashback~

That day was a good day, but it also brought conflict in my heart. Blaze had been supporting me, reassuring me to keep going with his training and to never give up. Seeing it pay off, I went back to seek her advice in how to confess my feelings for Sonic, when she veered the conversion to a whole different direction. 

She told me of how proud she was in me and that she admired my courage and determination. Before I knew it, she was kissing me and I never hesitated to kiss back. It was no lie she had always been my rock for years, but to know how she felt touched me.

I felt a little guilty. I still had feelings for Sonic, and I felt it near to impossible to choose between them. The kiss with Blaze felt amazing and left me wanting more, but I found myself wondering if it would feel the same with Sonic. 

At that moment, I decided to wait and see tomorrow for our next practice session.

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