Epilogue (Original)

Start from the beginning

"That's good to hear. What are you doing currently?" Y/N asked about his occupation.

"I am working as a financial analyst" Jungkook replied

"Oh! Then you got your dream job! That's great!" Y/N exclaimed smiling widely.

"Yeah...How about you?" Jungkook asked diverting the focus onto her.

"Hmm? Oh! I am an analyst too but an investment analyst" Y/N spoke in a somewhat animated way making the both chuckle.

"Anyways! How about everything else? Family?" Y/N asked trying to instigate a good conversation with the one who seemed clueless.

"They are good too" Jungkook replied shortly as he looked at her intently.

There was a moment of silence which screamed nothing but akwardness. Y/N felt suffocated by the odd air, and not being able to bear it she asked a question she felt like she shouldn't have.

"Did you find anyone for yourself?" She asked abruptly making Jungkook flinch. He looked at her shocked for a while seemingly clueless as to what his answer should be before breaking out into a sad smile.

"Only if you had left my mind for once, I might have found someone" He said.

Y/N stared at him in utter shock and tint of guilt coated her feelings. She did not know how to reply to that statement. It was her turn to be clueless as she sat akwardly.

"Oh...okay" She let out.

"You've gotten fatter" Jungkook let out jokingly taking about her healthy stature with a teasing smile.

Y/N just smiled at him.

"I have not gotten fatter" She stated.

"Sure" He said with a teasing smile.

"I have not okay! I am pregnant!" She blurt out feeling offended.

Little did she know, the statement had succeeded to stab a hole through Jungkook's heart as he stared at her in utter sadness.

"Y-You're pregnant?" He asked stuttering.

"Yeah..." Y/N said looking down

"You got married?" He asked feeling himself on the verge of breaking down but held it together.

"No. But I am engaged" She said showing her hand which had the ring finger filled.

'Only if I didn't do what I did, maybe I would be the one filling that finger' A thought passed Jungkook's mind.

"Congratulations I guess" He said looking away to keep his tears at bay.

"Thank you. Would you mind if I say something?" Y/N asked

"No of course not! Please go on" Jungkook said feeling defeated.

"I know you are still vulnerable to me. But I think it's time you move on and find someone who is for you. Cause I am clearly not written in your fate. Jungkook you have to let go of me. You can't live like this. I am saying this to you as someone who cares about you. Please listen to me" Y/N tried counselling.

Jungkook looked up at her with a bitter expression on his face making Y/N furrow her eyebrows.

"You expect me to move on? You found someone and are expecting a child with him. While I am here broken, hoping you would look at me and things would be the same. How do I move on from you, when you are the only one I truly loved? I know I hurt you and I was a bastard to do so but once Y/N! Once didn't I cross your mind when you were fucking around with that boyfriend of yours?!" Jungkook let out bitterly.

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