(58) Stars.. (58)

531 25 17

Sorry this one's short

Your POV

Everyone ended up playing games until 9. You all said goodbye and walked back to the beach house. The moon looked beautiful, all the shining stars.

You hadn't seen, but Garnet had nudged Steven and whispered something to him. Steven ran up to you "Hey (Y/N)?" You turned around to look at him, "y-yeah" You stuttered, smiling. "Uh so, I wanted to say, that uh.." He had a light blush on his face. "Steven?"

To him, you looked so innocent, so small, so fragile. "I, Uh, you, you look Uh" he was looking down and mumbling over his words. "Steven! You're pink?!" You jumped. Steven was now all pink and glowing.

"Oh shoot..." he sighed. He looked tired and annoyed, he also looked... cute? You giggled, it was strange but so was everything else about your life. You looked at him, he wasn't looking at you, he seemed to be trying to not be pink anymore. You forgot about everything and everyone around, you got closer and..

Kissed his cheek.

He froze, his eyes went wide. He stopped being pink but his face was red. You giggled and left, you were all pretty close to the beach house so you ran over and up the stairs.

Stevens POV

I was trying to tell (Y/N) how cute she looked tonight. It was so hard! I'm never normally this nervous, IM EVEN PINK NOW! I don't normally grow I pink unless I have over ridding emotions.

I was trying to not be pink, when I felt... someone kiss my cheek? It was a quick peck but also warm as it was cold. It didn't take me long to realize what happened-


I froze, I just looked up, not even at her. My eyes were wide and I was in shock. I heard a quite giggle and then she left to the beach house.

Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl all came up behind me. Amethyst punched my shoulder, "WOOOO! Look at this man!"

Pearl was leaning on her staff, trying to look cool and chill. She didn't last long. Two seconds later she squealed and gave me a big hug. I wasn't paralyzed anymore, she definitely shocked me though.

Garnet care up behind me. "I'm glad it ended like that" a sigh of relief. I stared at her, "IT COULD HAVE GOTTEN WORSE?!" She chuckled at me, "I think it went well, you got a kiss right?" At the mention of the kiss I went pink again. "Aghhhh!!"

I went in a ball, I was now a mess. "Big Stevens gonna be Little Steven soon" Amethyst teased. I laid back on the sand in a star. "Ughh" I rolled my eyes. Everyone laid back with me, we all looked up at the stars.

We all sat in silence. The stars looked lovely.

"The Stars look lovely" Pearl said. "Not as lovely as (Y/N)" I mumbled. Amethyst sat on her side and looked over to me, "Okay I think Stevens gone Girl Crazy" "oh shush Am" I put my hands under my head and crossed my legs.

"This moment would be a little bit better with some pizza" Amethyst mumbled. Everyone laughed.

After a few minutes Garnet got up, "okay, we beat be heading in. I don't know what's gonna happen with (Y/N)" I got up, "what do you mean? Can't you see the future?" Garnet had a worried expression on her face, it also included confusion. "I can, but I can't see us finding her, but I also see something else..."

I sat on my side, something felt wrong.

Garnets glasses snapped down the centre... she had stopped moving, just standing there. Her glasses fell off and we could see all three eyes, all were terrorized by something. All wide.

That's when we heard a scream

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