(54) Meeting the OTHER Crystal Gems (54)

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Your POV

"Okay, Lets go" Steven was looking at the ground, avoiding eye contact. He seemed EXTREMELY embarrassed. You giggled and he blushed even more, he seemed to be concerned and horrified at the same time. "(Y/N) DIDN'T SEE DID SHE?!"

Steven has pure horror on his face. Garnet laughed, "This senecio would have been extremely different if she had" That didn't seem to really calm him down, but he sighed anyway.

"Okay, you all ready?" Everyone nodded and Steven came all the way down the stairs. "Cool, let's go" You all walked over to the warp pad. You didn't use it much, so every time you had, you would hold onto Steven or someone. You grabbed his arm and you all left for little homeworld.

It didn't take long. It was around 2 when you arrived, you looked around and saw loads of different gems. All different colors and shapes. You had never been here before, this was the most Gems you'd ever seen. It was strange to think that a part of you was, was a part of this. It made you happy in some sort of way.

You let go of Steven and twirled while walking, looking up at everything. He laughed at you, the curiosity, the wonder. It was all in your eyes.

"Come on, we need to go meet Bismuth, Lapis, and Peridot on the tower. You hadn't realized, but you were much further behind. You ran after the others and went to the tower.

All the colorful buildings were pleasing to your eyes, the blue sky matched your shirt and the clouds were a beautiful white.

"Steven!" You heard three voices shout. You looked and saw 3 Gems, all embracing a big hug squishing Steven, he made an Oof sound and laughed, being squished.

The biggest and tallest one had light grey skin and looked extremely strong, she had muscles and on her biceps were stars with a triangle underneath

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The biggest and tallest one had light grey skin and looked extremely strong, she had muscles and on her biceps were stars with a triangle underneath. She had colorful thick hair, each part another color. Her clothes were some dark magenta/purple dungarees that were low enough to show her gem, it was all rainbows and had a hollow inside. You believe she was a Bismuth as you tried to remember the photo of a bismuth gem.

 You believe she was a Bismuth as you tried to remember the photo of a bismuth gem

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