(55) Not Okay (55)

667 34 25

Stevens POV

I had my back to (Y/N) and the others and had started to talk with Garnet, "Well? is today going to be okay?" I smirked, already knowing how wonderful it was. Garnet smiled for a moment, then grey clouds came floating in from no where.

Garnets face dropped and worry over rid it. I turned around to see (Y/N) on the floor all hunched up, crouching down. Fear took over me, I ran over and she just kept departing o no, I couldn't really see her face but I got a glimpse, she seemed afraid and traumatised.

"no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no... no..."

"What Happened?!" I shouted, the sky was now dark and a cold breeze threw though. "We're not sure! She started to panic while we were talking" Bismuth seemed confused but fear struck all their faces.

I lent down to place my hand on her back, suddenly I was thrown back as a shout filled my ears; "DON'T TOUCH ME" It was a loud shout and like a force field throwing me backwards. I landed in Garnets arms, all limp. No one else seemed to be phased by the loud voice, filled with anger and fear.

I pulled my hand onto my head as Garnet put me down. "Hey did none of you hear that?.." I felt a bit dizzy. Everyone looked confused or concerned, "what do you mean?" Pearl asked. "Well when I touched her I heard a loud voice.." I stood up straight, still holding my head with one hand.

"Oooo! I wanna try!" Amethyst ran up to (Y/N) and placed a hand on her- well tried. She was thrown and Bismuth had to jump to catch her. The smirk on Amethysts face had been ripped off, now horror was in her eyes and she became paler.

Bismuth held amethyst as she was dizzy and clearly not okay to stand up.

"She's not okay.." That's all Amethyst could manage before poofing before our eyes. Pearl gasped, Garnet helped me stand steady. Peridot Lapis and Bismuth all had fear on their faces.

"We just need to tell her we're here for her" I shouted, the wind had become hard and loud. (Y/N) was still on the ground all hunched up. "What if she can't hear us?" Lapis shouted back. "We have to try!" Bismuth shouted and looked at all of us, nodding. I nodded back and we all started to walk closer.

"(Y/N)!? We're here!" Bismuth was getting closer, the field seemed to want us away so it kept pushing us back. Everyone was shouting things to (Y/N), but nothing seemed to calm her down. She now kept her head in her knees, every time someone said something she seemed to hunch up more.

What if she was hearing things wrong? "Guys! Stop!" Everyone looked at me as I stood, my arm was covering my eyes as I looked at everyone. "What if she's hearing the opposite?" Peridot seemed confused, same goes for Lapis and Pearl, "What?" "What if she's hearing the opposite, like if we shout 'we're here' she hears 'you're alone' or something?!"

Everyone's faces filled with fear, what if it were true? She would think we hated her... I started to push my way through, "We Hate You! I wish y-you were ne-never in my l-life!" I kept going, "Y-You're a freak w-who doesn't deserve anything!" She seemed to un tense. She seemed to be getting calmer. The winds started to slow as I had tears in my eyes.

I had to say so many horrible things so she would be better...

"(Y/N)! I W-Wish you w-would D-Die! Y-Your deserve- n-nothing!" My voice was cracking, it hurt so bad, these words.

"Y-You A-Are a B-Bitch! I- I f-Fucking Hate y-you!" The sky started to clear but clouds still lay, the wind was now gone and (Y/N) was becoming more in touch with reality.

"G-Go D-Die y-you C-cutting- S-Suicidal FREAK!" I fell on the floor, tears were falling from my cheeks. It hurt saying this.


(Y/N) ran over, she had tears in her eyes. Something was in them, but she covered them from my sight. "Steven!? Are you okay?!" I was on the floor, I felt weak. She was smaller than me but still tried to hold me.

"Steven! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that! I was afraid and I didn't know! And when you all started to shout at me I couldn't-" I looked at her, "it's yokay" I looked at her eyes, whatever was there before had now disappeared.

I laughed and got up, "I'm fine (Y/N), everything we said was flipped." I helped her up as see seemed confused and afraid. "What d-do y-you mean?..." I sighed, I was looking at her, she was so small, so fragile, so strong.

"Everything we said was flipped, I tried to help but it didn't work, then, because we couldn't physically help you, we decided to mentally try. We shouted things, telling you we're here for you.." her eyes glazed over, I think she realized what had to happen.

"But I heard.." She looked down.. "so you had to shout the opposite of nice things, for me to hear good things.." This was the first time (Y/N) didn't stutter while saying something bad.

I have her a small smile as she was looking down. "I'm s-sorry.. I d-didn't mean t-to-" she stopped and her stead shot up. "Who did I hurt?!" I jumped at the sudden noise. She couldn't know what she did or she would run again.

"You didn't hurt anyone, I promise." (Y/N) didn't seem too sure, she looked around, fear on her face. "Where's Amethyst?" "Shes fine, it's okay, she... went to get donuts" I held her hand, trying to calm her down.

Peridot stood forward, "Steven, don't lie" horror was on my face, of course Peri couldn't play along! Before I could stop her she grabbed (Y/N) and span her around to face her. "Amethyst ran into you and your force field threw her across the roof, Bismuth caught her and then she poofed in her hands. You also threw Steven into Garnet"

(Y/N) had horror on her face..


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