(30) Training, part 2- Do it for them (30)

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Whoop whoop! 30 chapters baby!

Your POV

You and Pearl walked over to the centre of the training grounds. "Okay get your sword out" You looked around, confused. Steven pointed to the hotdog bag. You looked around and then pulled out a big sword with a red handle and yellow stars on. There was also a sticky note,
I know your gonna need this, can't wait to meet you someday!

You smiled over to Steven and held your sword. Pearl smiled at you and put you in the right position, you awkwardly smiled and held that position.

"Okay, here we go"

"WAIT" Steven jumped up, "You're not gonna teach her they way you taught Connie right?!" Steven seemed concerned as if something bad had happened before. "Steven I'll be better and more careful, now~

"You do it for him"

Pearl pointed at Steven using her sword.

"And you would do it again"

She span around and pointed her sword into they sky.

"You do it for her, that is to say
You'll do it for him"

She turned and smiled.

While singing the next part she would move your body with her sword.

"Keep your,
stance wide
Keep your body lowered"

"As you're moving forward
Balance is the key"

She poked your side and you fell down, she shook her head but smiled.

"Right foot,
left foot
Now go even faster"

She taught you to thrust and you both did it back and forth

"And as you're moving backwards"

You looked over to Steven to see him smiling brightly and giving you a thumbs up.

She gently grabbed your chin and made you look at her.

"Keep your eyes on me"

You started to question if you were doing it correct.

"Keep my stance wide?"
"Keep my body lowered?"
"As I'm moving forward"
"Concentrate. Don't you want him to live?"

Steven glared at Pearl and this time it was her turn to awkwardly smile.

"Right foot, left foot"

You started to sing along with the actions, trying to concentrate so it seemed a bit ruff.

"Yes, but put your whole body into it"

She helped you stand up straight.

"Everything you have, everything you are
You've got to give
On the battlefield"

Pearl slowed down and looked up into the sky.

"When everything is chaos
And you have nothing but the way you feel
Your strategy and a sword
You just think about the life you'll have together after the war"

"Pearl are you alright?" You looked at her as she had tears in her eyes. She turned around and smiled.

"And then you do it for her
That's how you know you can win"

She span around and then pointed to the sky before pointing at Steven.

"You do it for her, that is to say
You'll do it for him"

You smiled at her and agreed.
You both started to fight and she had accidentally cut your shoulder a bit. Steven ran over and kissed it better. Then gave Pearl a telling off.

"Deep down you know
You weren't built for fighting
But that doesn't mean
You're not prepared to try"

She held your arm in a reassuring way and you nodded.

"What they don't know
Is your real advantage
When you live for someone
You're prepared to die"


Suddenly something came out of you,

"Deep down I know
That I'm just a human"

Both of you started to sing, making an X with your swords. ⚔️

"But I (You) know that I (You) can draw my (Your) sword and fight"

"With my short existence"
"I can make a difference"
"Yes, excellent"
"I can be there for him
I can be his knight"

You smiled at Steven and he smiled back.

"I can do it for him"

"You'd do it for her"

You jumped up and span as if hitting everyone around you down.

"Okay, now do that again"
"Yes, ma'am"
"You do it for her, and now you say"

"I'll do it for him"

You and Pearl looked at each other and bowed, both smiling at each other.

"Thank you Pearl" you gave her a massive hug and smiled brightly, taken aback she gently hugged back.

"Steven! Did you see that!" You ran over extremely happy and jumped into Stevens arms giggling. He span you in the air and you were both laughing. "You did great (Y/N)"

"Now have a drink each, you both deserve it. We'll meet back here at 1" you and Steven smiled at each other and ran back to the portal. Pearl stayed back and sat on the edge of the floating world.

~Magical Time Skip~

You and Steven were at the big donut ordering, well donuts, and a drink each. "Oh hello Universe, (Y/N). Haven't seen you two in a while" Mr. Dewy exclaimed, grabbing our donuts. You were wearing Stevens jacket to cover your gem. You weren't ready to show everyone.

"Well yeah, things.. happened" Steven rubbed the back of his neck and you both laughed. "Guessing the girl don't talk much still?" Mr. Dewy said passing Steven the donuts. "Actually I do," you popped out. Mr. Dewy was taken by surprise but you made him laugh.

You both left and sat down on a bench next to the sand. "Here ya go" Steven said, passing you your donut and drink.

"T-thanks" you took your donut and savoured the taste before taking a sip of your drink.

"That was the first time you talked to someone out here with a stutter, your doing so well." Steven smiled before eating his donut.

You both finished your food and walked back to the beach house. Talking about cool moves with swords and stuff.

You both got in and saw pearl waiting at the warp pad. "Ready?"


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