(7) Waking up in his eyes (7)

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Your POV-

Everything faded...

Your eyes fluttered as you woke up. There was something soft below you, and as you were still half asleep and unaware, you hugged and snuggled into it more. You hadn't felt something like this for years. It was amazing.

You finally woke up to see some glass doors that showed a balcony and some sand, and lots of water that washed around the sand. You looked around seeing photos of some unknown people, especially a big one with a strange woman-man with a square head, some glasses in triangles, wearing all purple like colours and a jumpsuit thing. There was also a young boy, he seemed to be butt naked.

You looked out the window to see a big bright ball of, light? Coming over all of the water. It was so beautiful, all the colours, the beauty. Stars appeared in your eyes.

"Beautiful right?"

You fell off the bed and saw a boy staring out the window looking at the big light ball. You were afraid but he seemed... different?

He has a small smile on his face and then turned to look at you. It was him. The boy from your dream. Who was he? Why was he here? Was he your angle? Or maybe devil!?

You raised your hands in front of your face as if to protect yourself. You started to mumble something about not wanting him to hurt you. You were quite and soft. But afraid.

He crawled over to you but you hadn't noticed as your eyes were closed tight and your tears started to stream. He held out his hands and sat on his knees in front of you. "Hey, it's okay" he spoke, softly, and calm.

You lowered your arms and saw a boy with his hands out. Your vision flickered to the dream. His hands stayed held out, asking to hold yours. His smile was small but it was warm.

You wiped your tears and looked to his hands and then to his eyes, before looking back to his hands and hesitantly placed your hands in his. You looked back to his eyes and then saw behind them. The stars in his eyes, the happiness and joy. The pieces of pain scattered around, bit by bit.

Stevens POV

"Beautiful right?"

I said as she was staring at the ocean sun rise. She seemed startled and fell off my bed, I stayed looking at the sun. She crawled up against my drawers and placed her two for arms in front of her face, trying to protect herself.

I crawled over to her, she had tears streaming down her cheeks and she started mumbling something about not hurting her. I sat in front of her and held out my hands. I felt so bad, she clearly has had a past.

"Hey, it's okay." She lowered her hards and slowly turned her head to look and me. She wiped her eyes and looked at my hands. Then my eyes then she hesitated and placed her hands on mine.

She looked into my eyes and I looked into hers. Her eyes, they were full of pain, suffering, hatred. But behind all of that there was a piece of hope.
Something from her past.

Your POV

You stared into his eyes. You both looked at each other before returning back to reality.

"You're gonna be okay here, I promise" He said. He looked at you as your eyes tested up and he hugged you. You tensed up and he noticed. "Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't ask for permission!" He held his hands up as if he was under arrest.

You giggled a bit and held your hand to your mouth. You didn't think he heard you but his small smile and blush said otherwise.

Ammovoid /SU Fanfic/ Steven Universe x Reader (She/her)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن