oo5: Something's Up

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A/N: Hey! It's been a while, huh? Been busy with things and a new school term comming up. I might upload slower than usual, but oh well. Enjoy this while it lasts! :)


The next morning, Cassie and Melissa were still asleep on the couch. Malfoy was the first one up and shook his head at the two girls, sneering a little. He walked past them and towards the door. Melissa made a small noise from her sleep and Malfoy turned around. Muttering bitterly, he walked other to the couch and shook Melissa roughly. Her eyes blinked open and she rubbed them sleepily.

“What?” she said tiredly. Malfoy said nothing and left. She yawned and looked around, realizing they were still in the common room. She sat up slowly and stretched, hitting Cassie in the head. Cassie jumped awake and looked around like they were in the middle of a warzone.

“C’mon we got to get ready.” Melissa said and got to her feet. She grabbed Cassie’s arm and pulled her up before heading to the dormitories. The girls quickly dressed into their robes. Cassie not a while longer, putting on make-up and making sure her hair was just right.

“I’m hungry, c’mon,” Melissa whined. Cassie stuck her tongue out and quickly finished up. As the two walked back into the common room and a first year’s head caught fire and second year’s nose began to bleed uncontrollably. Melissa stopped for a moment, eyes wide. The girl screamed, touching the top of her head. Melissa grabbed her wand and flicked it. The fire hovered into the air and Melissa led it to the fireplace. She walked over to where they were sitting and swiped up a box of Skiving Snackboxes.

“Go to the infirmary, now,” snapped Melissa ushering both of them out of the common room. Cassie followed behind Melissa to the Great Hall. A fierce look stayed on Melissa’s face on their way to the hall, no one got in their way.

When she walked into the Great Hall the smell of jams and sausages filled the air. All the students were talking and laughing. A couple of students at the Ravenclaw table had already begun to read their books. The ceiling was bright and sunny, few clouds to be seen. A smile went across her face for just a moment before it faded quickly.

Cassie walked over to the Slytherin table and sat down next to Malfoy, whispering to him immediately. Melissa walked over to the Gryffindor table and dropped the snackbox in front of a pair of red headed twins.. Fred, George, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny all looked up at her.

“I have something for both of you other than that.” She simpered and held out two piece of candy. “Pick one,” she said with a smirk.

“No thanks,” the twins said together.

“So you know what these do?” Melissa said and the twins look at each other. “Keep your snackboxes out of my house or I will give you detention for a month. Sound fair?” she said with a bitter-sweet smile. The twins nodded their heads and Melissa headed over to Cassie. As she sat down Cassie put a plate in front of her with a slice of toast on it.

“How long did you give them detention for?” Malfoy asked, leaning forward a little to see past Cassie, who immediately sat up a little straight to make her chest seem perkier. Melissa shook her head at Cassie, laughing a little at her obvious attempt.

“I didn’t,” said Melissa and took a small bit of her toast.

“What!” exclaimed Malfoy.

“I said,” Melissa said and looked at him. “I did not.” She said slowly as though she were speaking to Crabbe or Goyle.


“You have a lot of questions.” Melissa said irked by his disapproval of how she handled the situation. She didn’t really care too much about what happened to the first years. They were bound to catch fire at some point; she didn’t like how it looked on her being a prefect.

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