o35: Forever and Almost Always

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The castle was filled with an airy feeling as the students prepared for another trip to Hogsmeade. Many of the girls were giggly, excited for their dates for Valentine's Day. Cassie was standing behind Melissa in the prefect bathroom, yanking at her hair once more. Melissa jerked back a little as Cassie pulled her hair violently, and began to wonder why she let Cassie do her hair every time she needed it done.

"Could you be a bit gentler," snapped Melissa, touching the top of her head half expecting there to be blood.

"Oh, hush," Cassie said and yanked her hair again, snickering evilly.

"Alright, are you done?" Melissa barked angrily, only making Cassie laugh some more. She quickly finished Melissa's hair, and yanked it one more time for the fun of it. Melissa jerked her head away from Cassie and took a couple steps away from her.

"Don't you have a pink dress to wear...or a red one?" Cassie asked as Melissa zipped up the side of her black dress.

"No," Melissa said plainly. Cassie shook her head as Melissa slipped on her knee high black boots. "You have any plans?" Melissa asked.

"I'm spending the day with Pucey." Cassie said with a happy smirk. "Where is Draco taking you?" Cassie asked curiously as the girls grabbed their bags, leaving the bathroom.

"I don't know," said Melissa with a shrug. Cassie continued to talk about how her day was going to go with Pucey, but Melissa only heard a couple words. Her mind was off on a daydream. As the continued down the corridor, Melissa's vision blurred again and she grabbed Cassie's arm. Cassie's mouth opened but Melissa didn't hear a word from her friend. Her ears were filled with the sound of running feet and a boy yelling at everyone around him. Melissa looked around the hallway for what she was hearing. The corridor seemed with be moving in slow motion. Cassie grabbed Melissa's arm tightly and shook her. Everything zoomed back up into speed and Melissa could hear what she was supposed to.

"What was that?" Cassie asked, looking at Melissa with complete confusion.

"I got a little dizzy." Melissa touched holding her head. She put on her coat and walked out the doors with Cassie, looking around for Draco, but she couldn't find him anywhere. She frowned and continued to look around for him, saying goodbye to Cassie. She waited on the steps for Draco to show up, the mass of students soon decreasing. As few students were remaining Melissa sighed in defeat and turned around to head back in the castle, convinced Draco wasn't coming.

"Hey," Melissa looked up to see Draco walking down the stairs with a smirk on his face.

"It's not wise to make a girl wait," said Melissa with a smirk.

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